How does Shakespeare prepare us for the firstMeeting of the lovers?

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Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in How does Shakespeare prepare us for the firstMeeting of the lovers?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your How does Shakespeare prepare us for the firstMeeting of the lovers? paper at affordable prices with !

“From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of star cross’d lovers take their life with misadventur’d piteous overthrows doth with their death bury their parents strife”, The ancient grudge between the Montague’s and the Capulet’s, summed up in four lines. The play of tragedy created by Shakespeare of two lovers Romeo and Juliet who meet and fall in love. The first lines of the play, known as the prologue, tell the audience what happens in the play, Shakespeare has written it like this to hook the audience into wanting to watch the rest of the play.

In the opening scene there is a huge fight, this brings contrast to the next scene with Romeo in “ay me, sad hours seem long“ this scene is much more calm than the fight scene at the beginning of the play. The fuss on the stage with all the fighting is very different from the lovers meeting the fight scene also shows how big the feud between the two families is. This makes the audience enjoy the scene more, as all the fighting and commotion makes it a lot more engaging for the audience with all the excitement of a fight. In the first lines between Sampson and Gregory, the Capulet serving men, we find them boasting about how they shall fight with the Montague men, then have sex with the maids, “I will push the Montague’s men from the wall and thrust his maids to the wall.” This contrasts with Romeo’s character, as he doesn’t see women as sexual figures this makes the audience will have more empathy with Romeo’s character he will become our knight in shining armour. The hatred between the families portrayed in the fight, shows how Romeo and Juliet’s love is deeply forbidden, “My sword old Montague is come and flourishes his blade in spite of me”

“Thou villain Capulet! - hold me not let me go” The prince and Benvolio play the peacemakers in this scene “If you ever disturb our streets again your lives shall pay the forfeit of peace.” This line is one of the most dramatically ironic in the play, as Romeo and Juliet do indeed take their lives and due to this tragedy the two families become united once again, the audience realise that this line has a dramatic undertone as they know that Romeo and Juliet will ultimately lose their lives.

The early Romeo is indeed a very different person from the man he becomes towards the end of the play, he is very confused about his love for Rosaline and Shakespeare shows this with Romeo’s language, he often speaks in oxymorons, “O brawling love, O brawling hate.” He uses broken sentences to show that Romeo is depressed about his love for Rosaline, as in fact she is a Capulet and he knows their love would be forbidden. “In sadness cousin, I do love a women.” When he meets Juliet, he instantly forgets about Rosaline, this shows that the love between Romeo and Juliet is real “With Rosaline, my ghostly father? No; I have forgot that name, and that name’s woe.” Before he meets Juliet, he talks in oxymorons and broken sentences, but when he meets her, their lines form a sonnet (this is a traditional love poem with 14 lines with 10 syllables on each line) the audience also never meet Rosaline, because if they did they would be constantly comparing Romeo’s love for Juliet with Romeo’s supposed love for Rosaline.

In act 1 scene , Paris and Capulet are discussing that Juliet should marry Paris, but Capulet thinks Juliet is too young to marry, “My child is yet a stranger in the world.” Yet Paris convinces him that younger people than her are married and are “happy mothers” Capulet relents and agrees to go ahead with the wedding. The audience are then worried that Juliet may marry Paris and forget all about Romeo, when they really want her to marry Romeo and be happy. Once they have decided that Juliet should be married, Lady Capulet talks to Juliet about it. Juliet has a very different approach towards love and marriage at this point in the play. Her first meeting with Romeo could be likened to love at first sight. Whereas, when her mother asks her how she feels about marriage in act 1 scene , she doesn’t actually want to be married yet, “It is and honour I dream not of.” This scene is a distracting one as it shows us that Juliet’s love for Romeo will never actually go right. This is another technique of Shakespeare’s to make the audience realise that the lovers will never have a “happy ending.” Many women in Elizabethan times got married a lot younger than today, as it was thought that the younger they are married the more children they could produce. Also, life expectancy in those, days was a lot shorter, with most women living to an average of 0 years old.

Shakespeare has included the character of Mercutio to show a vast contrast between the two men and their attitudes to love; this contrast enhances the deep feelings of love between Romeo and Juliet. Mercutio hates women and thinks of them only as sexual objects, merely to be used to satisfy his own sexual needs. “If love be rough with you, be rough with love.” This contrasts with Romeos opinion of love drastically. His attitude towards dreams and love, are far different from Mercutio’s. This makes Mercutio a dramatic interesting character for the audience to watch as they often wonder how Romeo would chose a friendship with someone like Mercutio as the audience would wonder if perhaps romeo was a bad judge of character or indeed he only saw the good in everyone. Mercutio is often a burden to Romeo’s true feelings dies so early in the play so that the audience can focus on the lovers. In Baz Luhrman’s version of Romeo and Juliet the director decides to dress Mercutio in women’s clothing, and directs him to act like a women. This emphasises Mercutio’s hatred of women he acts almost as if he is mocking the way women dress and act. Romeo is far different from this and sees women as humans and not things only put on this earth for childbirth. Mercutio’s character is in the play to add more drama to the lovers meeting, Romeo is scared to tell Mercutio that he loves Juliet because he knows that he will mock him for it. “Romeo! Humours! Madman! Passion! Lover!”

Shakespeare’s use of oxymorons when Juliet speaks, dramatically enhances how confused our young lover has become, ”My only love, sprung from my only hate.” After Romeo meets Juliet his choice of language and actions become more positive. The two characters become separated from the rest of the play and this is emphasised by the form of verse in which they have begun to speak.

Tybalt hates Romeo and wants him dead because he turned up at the Capulet ball and Tybalt was looking for a fight then and there, but his uncle Capulet stopped him “He shall be endur’d. What, Goodman boy, I say he shall, go to!” this brings suspense and irony to the play, as once Romeo has married Juliet Tybalt will become Romeos cousin. This makes Romeo and Juliet’s relationship even more dramatic. “Uncle this is a Montague, our foe”

At this point, the audience are eager to view the meeting of the lovers; at last they get to see what happens when they do meet. To make it even more dramatic, Shakespeare uses a number of techniques to set the meeting of the two lovers; he makes Romeo and Juliet’s speech into a sonnet. Also it has a lot of references to religion in their first speech. Shakespeare is hinting towards marriage in the meeting scene; Shakespeare also makes the audience feel sympathy for the pair, as they must be careful with their forbidden love because of the two houses hatred for each other. Of course we know that their love will never be happy, as from the prologue the audience are told that the young lovers both die, from this tragedy both families are reunited in their grief “O brother Montague, give me thy hand. This is my daughter’s jointure, for no more can I demand.”

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In The Time of the Butterflies

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In the Time of the Butterflies

An old Native American folk-tale states,if you have a secret wish, capture a butterfly and whisper your wish to it. Since butterflies cannot speak, your secret is ever safe in their keeping. Release the butterfly, and it will carry your wish to the Great Spirit, who alone knows the thoughts of butterflies. By setting the butterfly free, you are helping to restore the balance of nature, and your wish will surely be granted.1 The butterfly, in the case of In the Time of the Butterflies, is symbolic in a similar nature.

The butterflies represent the freedom associated with the Minerva sister’s movement. Butterflies are silent, beautiful creatures who goes through a tremendous metamorphosis, from caterpillar to butterfly. A symbol of transformation, it leaves the safety of the cocoon to make its way on its own. Anyone who is experiencing a major change, or social revolution, could be aptly symbolized as a butterfly. “The butterfly is a reminder to make changes when the opportunity arises. Change and transformation are inevitable for us all, but it does not have to be traumatic. Butterfly symbolism is also closely tied to the idea of spirits and souls. It has been used in many religions and cultures. Psyche is the Greek word for both soul and butterfly. The belief was that butterflies were human souls searching for a new reincarnation, which gave the creature uncanny and sometimes ominous connotations.” In the case of the Minerva sisters, they are searching for a way to overcome the social injustices they are forced to endure. Minerva, in particular, is looking for reformation � to change an inherently inhuman and unjust political structure.

Another connection between the butterflies and the story of the Minerva sisters lies in other typical historical associations. In early Christianity, it was believed that by swallowing a butterfly, women would be come impregnated. It was commonly believed that butterflies floated in search of a new mother. “Other cultures believed that spirits of the dead took the form of white butterflies. In northern Europe to see one flying at night was a warning of death, and some said that the soul-butterflys ability to leave the body in sleep accounts for dreams.” Maribel Minerva did, in fact, have a child during the plot of the story. This is another exampled of the symbolic nature of the butterfly.

Finally, the idea of “leaving the cocoon,” symbolically represents the leaving home of the Minerva sisters. As each goes out on their own, they have goals that they attempt to achieve. By leaving the cocoon, or trying to achieve their goals, they become more beautiful than they were before. The sister’s desire for political change and their moral uprightness fosters a new attitude and culture that is represented in the “freeing of the butterflies.” While the sisters are trapped in prison, they can be compared to butterflies that have been caught. They are seeking freedom, not only from jail, but from the dictatorship of el Jefe.

In In the Time of the Butterflies, the butterfly is symbolic of transformation and political and social revolution. As the Minerva sisters transform from caterpillars to beautiful butterflies, great strides are made in bringing about social change.

Please note that this sample paper on In The Time of the Butterflies is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on In The Time of the Butterflies, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on In The Time of the Butterflies will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on haha. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality haha paper right on time.

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In the future, I plan to acquire a degree in law and ethics or maybe some kind of businessman.

I hope to continue my education at the university. A successful career is very important for my future. I hope one day that I have a financially secure job that is enjoyable and where I can earn some money. I think that a place like the University in Copenhagen can help me with some of my dreams, and of cause the academy in Sorø.

I have many thoughts about my favourite jobs.

A police officer was one of my first ideas, because I have always dreamed about to carry a gun and a uniform. But the job wasn’t well-paid enough. I have always used a lot of money, and that’s a big problem. I need to have the newest car and the biggest house when I get older, surely because I’m a luxury kid.

I’m interested in politics, but not enough to be a political. I’m also very interested in human rights and justice, so that’s why I have made some thoughts being a lawyer. But also money and trading have crossed my mind.

My future may not be as clear as I would like it to be, but I hope that my school and my family can help me in the career which is good for me.

I think that a higher education is vital to a person’s future.

not so many words but aleast sorry come again later!

In diesen Moment wies die Polizei doch nicht was passiert in der Bank. Einige tot und sieben Geiseln. „Das Geld! Schnell!“ Schrieet Uwe. Keine Reaktion aus den Bankpersonale. Sie sah nur an den Bankkaufmann. Er schasst eine neue Frau. Sie wird in dem Bein geschasst. Alle erwachten.

Ein Bankassistent versuchtet jetzt die Bankbox zu öffnen. Er fummelte mit den Schlüsseln. „Schnell“ � rief Uwe. Der Box wird jetzt öffnen. Der Bankassistent lag das Geld in einen großen schwatzen Sack. Wenn der Bande beschäftigen mit dem Geld zu nehmen, eine andere Person betätigte den Alarm.

Der Bande wird jetzt in Panik. Per nahm den Hinterausgang. Sie lief aus der Bank.

Sirenen in der Ferne.

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Glass Menagrie

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Glass Menagrie. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Glass Menagrie paper right on time.

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“The Glass Menagerie,” written by Tennessee William, portrays a struggling American family’s incapability to grasp life’s reality. “The Glass Menagerie” is a memory play narrated by the protagonist, Tom Wingfield. The play is very renowned and lauded in numerous modern theaters and Broadway. William’s approach of the play being seen and recognized as a past occurrence creates an illusion. This illusion assists on the portrayal of his characters’ internal conflict of not being able to accept life’s reality. Without the characters, the play’s illusion is ineffective.

Tom Wingfield is an essential character of “The Glass Menagerie.” Tom is a round and contradicting character. He yearns for the escape from his family and warehouse job, but can never find the strength or approach. In the play, Tom talks about his dream of escaping his family for adventure. He is unable to accept his responsibilities of working in a warehouse just to help support his family. Through the events of the play, frustration grows. Tom is saddened and angered because his accountability for his family enables him to live his life the way he wants to. He tries to escape his problems by constantly going out to the movies, drinking, and wandering around doing miscellaneous things. Doing these things prevents Tom from grasping the way his life really is. They help him dream and drift away from his responsibility; his reality of life.

Amanda Wingfield is the mother. She can be seen as the antagonist because of the internal conflict she causes to her children with her demands and high standard she sets for them. Amanda is incredibly unable to grasp her reality of life in many ways. In the play, she frequently reminisces about her amazing and rich life as a young maiden; her rich past conflicts with her poor present lifestyle. She also persists her daughter’s as a flawless individual, when truly her daughter is an odd and cripple young women. These deceptions cause Amanda to want and need things she is unable to get or do not have.

Laura Wingfield is the sister of Tom and daughter of Amanda. Laura is portrayal in the play is very different. She does not cause any conflict, purposely, like the others. Laura is a very shy and an odd young lady. Her shyness plays a big component for her disconnection to the world; she is isolated from the people outside her family. So, all she knows is her family. Laura’s glass menagerie is where the title of play arises. Her mini glass figures help her escape from her family’s altercations and uncomfortable situations. Laura really does not have any responsibility in the family. Her mother takes care of her and her brother watches over her. For this reason, she lives in their illusion of life.

Tennessee William’s represented his theme through his characters in the play. Tom, Amanda, and Laura Wingfield lived a life full of conflict because they are unable to accept what they have, who they are, and where life has brought them. William’s idea of placing the play in a memory setting is ingenious. It helps the reader or viewers to recognize an illusion of an already done reality. “The Glass Menagerie” theme of incapability of accepting life’s reality is greatly understood through the character’s portrayal in the play. If the characters were to be taken out, the play’s theme would be incomprehensible.

Please note that this sample paper on Glass Menagrie is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Glass Menagrie, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Glass Menagrie will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on IDENTIFY, AND THEN COMMENT UPON, THE VARIETY OF NARRATIVE TECHNIQUES, IN THE HANDMAID’S TALE.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality IDENTIFY, AND THEN COMMENT UPON, THE VARIETY OF NARRATIVE TECHNIQUES, IN THE HANDMAID’S TALE. paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in IDENTIFY, AND THEN COMMENT UPON, THE VARIETY OF NARRATIVE TECHNIQUES, IN THE HANDMAID’S TALE., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your IDENTIFY, AND THEN COMMENT UPON, THE VARIETY OF NARRATIVE TECHNIQUES, IN THE HANDMAID’S TALE. paper at affordable prices with !


Narrative techniques are the different ways in which a writer tells their story.

Ask yourself the following questions about how the story of The Handmaid’s Tale is told

Is it all first-person narration? What are the advantages of this technique for the reader? Is it autobiographical? Is it genuine autobiography, or fictive autobiography? Is the story told in the same way all the way through? Does the story flow in a straightforward, easily understood style? Are we told the name of our narrator immediately? Does the story emerge in a fragmented, bit-by-bit, way? Could it be deliberately confusing? Are there different narrators? Are we allowed into the narrator’s own thoughts? Do we discover much about the narrator’s past? How? What id the effect of using flashbacks?


· Is the first person narration significant? What is the effect of it for the reader?

· Why are the epigraphs important? Why are they there? What do they add?

· Does the novel begin in a clear, easily understood way? Or, is there some deliberate confusion (narrative puzzle emerges / many ideas of time are presented � both the recent and distant past / effect is to place the story in the recent future)?

· How are the ‘Night’ sections (chapters 1,7 & 18) different from other parts of the novel? Think of what Offred does and why.

· The use of time shifts and flashbacks

· The fragmentation of the storytelling, it is only revealed bit by bit

· The comments made by Offred about the act of storytelling itself � C7, C & (directly addresses the audience for the first time)

· The ‘double’ motifs � see class notes 6--0

· The Historical Notes at the end of the book explain why Offred’s story has been told in such a fragmented way. It was pieced together, from Offred’s original tape recordings by the academic professors. This explains, and justifies, the fragmented style of storytelling to the reader. Of course, this style of storytelling, of only partial disclosure, suits Atwood’s purpose as a storyteller, of presenting the story gradually. Also, Atwood deliberately wants to show Offred as a distressed and confused narrator; the fragmented storytelling, where Offred cannot concentrate on the dreadful present for too long without recourse to the preferable past, reinforces the idea of Offred’s distress. Therefore, Atwood’s narrative style aids her presentation of Offred as a distressed and discontented woman.


Night recurs as a heading seven times. It always signals ‘time out’ when Offred’s life is not under public scrutiny, and when she can escape into her own private world of memory and desire


Mostly within the ‘Night’ sections where the flashbacks are most sustained

The narrative switches often, between the past, present and distant past, juxtaposing past and present, through Offred’s memories.

Creates a continuing sense of the physical and emotional confusion Offred feels because she has to escape her present

The ubiquitous past brings happiness, comfort and power to keep fighting, but it also brings despair, longing and loneliness EFFECT IS to increase the reader’s empathy for Offred as they are all emotions that we can relate to

By using memory, we see Offred ‘feel’ � ‘stream of consciousness’ technique seeks to replicate real thought processes and jumps from one subject to another

Like a palimpsest, a parchment that is scraped clean to be used again, traces of Offred’s original identity and beliefs still exist beneath her Handmaid guise


A discontinuous, spasmodic narrative, with frequent time shifts & short scenes � effect is

to create narrative puzzle / reflect Offred’s confusion & distress / represents the complex ways that memory works, where the present moment is always pervaded / affected by other times & places

The story shifts abruptly from one scene to another, from present to past time so the narrator’s present situation and past history are only gradually revealed

We have to piece together and reconstruct the story

The story starts in a confusing manner with unfamiliar surroundings, although the setting does become more familiar

Offred’s story pieces together the voice of the powerless and oppressed in Gilead it is only revealed bit by bit


A self-conscious narrator who is aware of the limitations of narrating stories and the human need for telling stories

Storytelling (onto tape) is the only possible gesture against the silences of death and of history � it is an act of rebellion in itself



Double life - both her physical existence and in her memories

Two identities � Handmaid and being an individual in her own right � wife, mother, daughter

Two names � birth names and her Gileadean patronynic

Offred & Ofglen look alike as they shop together

Characters have their own counterparts � Nick and Luke; Moira and Ofglen; Offred and the previous Offred

Please note that this sample paper on IDENTIFY, AND THEN COMMENT UPON, THE VARIETY OF NARRATIVE TECHNIQUES, IN THE HANDMAID’S TALE. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on IDENTIFY, AND THEN COMMENT UPON, THE VARIETY OF NARRATIVE TECHNIQUES, IN THE HANDMAID’S TALE., we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on IDENTIFY, AND THEN COMMENT UPON, THE VARIETY OF NARRATIVE TECHNIQUES, IN THE HANDMAID’S TALE. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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