Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in IDENTIFY, AND THEN COMMENT UPON, THE VARIETY OF NARRATIVE TECHNIQUES, IN THE HANDMAID’S TALE., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your IDENTIFY, AND THEN COMMENT UPON, THE VARIETY OF NARRATIVE TECHNIQUES, IN THE HANDMAID’S TALE. paper at affordable prices with !
Narrative techniques are the different ways in which a writer tells their story.
Ask yourself the following questions about how the story of The Handmaid’s Tale is told
Is it all first-person narration? What are the advantages of this technique for the reader? Is it autobiographical? Is it genuine autobiography, or fictive autobiography? Is the story told in the same way all the way through? Does the story flow in a straightforward, easily understood style? Are we told the name of our narrator immediately? Does the story emerge in a fragmented, bit-by-bit, way? Could it be deliberately confusing? Are there different narrators? Are we allowed into the narrator’s own thoughts? Do we discover much about the narrator’s past? How? What id the effect of using flashbacks?
· Is the first person narration significant? What is the effect of it for the reader?
· Why are the epigraphs important? Why are they there? What do they add?
· Does the novel begin in a clear, easily understood way? Or, is there some deliberate confusion (narrative puzzle emerges / many ideas of time are presented � both the recent and distant past / effect is to place the story in the recent future)?
· How are the ‘Night’ sections (chapters 1,7 & 18) different from other parts of the novel? Think of what Offred does and why.
· The use of time shifts and flashbacks
· The fragmentation of the storytelling, it is only revealed bit by bit
· The comments made by Offred about the act of storytelling itself � C7, C & (directly addresses the audience for the first time)
· The ‘double’ motifs � see class notes 6--0
· The Historical Notes at the end of the book explain why Offred’s story has been told in such a fragmented way. It was pieced together, from Offred’s original tape recordings by the academic professors. This explains, and justifies, the fragmented style of storytelling to the reader. Of course, this style of storytelling, of only partial disclosure, suits Atwood’s purpose as a storyteller, of presenting the story gradually. Also, Atwood deliberately wants to show Offred as a distressed and confused narrator; the fragmented storytelling, where Offred cannot concentrate on the dreadful present for too long without recourse to the preferable past, reinforces the idea of Offred’s distress. Therefore, Atwood’s narrative style aids her presentation of Offred as a distressed and discontented woman.
Night recurs as a heading seven times. It always signals ‘time out’ when Offred’s life is not under public scrutiny, and when she can escape into her own private world of memory and desire
Mostly within the ‘Night’ sections where the flashbacks are most sustained
The narrative switches often, between the past, present and distant past, juxtaposing past and present, through Offred’s memories.
Creates a continuing sense of the physical and emotional confusion Offred feels because she has to escape her present
The ubiquitous past brings happiness, comfort and power to keep fighting, but it also brings despair, longing and loneliness EFFECT IS to increase the reader’s empathy for Offred as they are all emotions that we can relate to
By using memory, we see Offred ‘feel’ � ‘stream of consciousness’ technique seeks to replicate real thought processes and jumps from one subject to another
Like a palimpsest, a parchment that is scraped clean to be used again, traces of Offred’s original identity and beliefs still exist beneath her Handmaid guise
A discontinuous, spasmodic narrative, with frequent time shifts & short scenes � effect is
to create narrative puzzle / reflect Offred’s confusion & distress / represents the complex ways that memory works, where the present moment is always pervaded / affected by other times & places
The story shifts abruptly from one scene to another, from present to past time so the narrator’s present situation and past history are only gradually revealed
We have to piece together and reconstruct the story
The story starts in a confusing manner with unfamiliar surroundings, although the setting does become more familiar
Offred’s story pieces together the voice of the powerless and oppressed in Gilead it is only revealed bit by bit
A self-conscious narrator who is aware of the limitations of narrating stories and the human need for telling stories
Storytelling (onto tape) is the only possible gesture against the silences of death and of history � it is an act of rebellion in itself
Double life - both her physical existence and in her memories
Two identities � Handmaid and being an individual in her own right � wife, mother, daughter
Two names � birth names and her Gileadean patronynic
Offred & Ofglen look alike as they shop together
Characters have their own counterparts � Nick and Luke; Moira and Ofglen; Offred and the previous Offred
Please note that this sample paper on IDENTIFY, AND THEN COMMENT UPON, THE VARIETY OF NARRATIVE TECHNIQUES, IN THE HANDMAID’S TALE. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on IDENTIFY, AND THEN COMMENT UPON, THE VARIETY OF NARRATIVE TECHNIQUES, IN THE HANDMAID’S TALE., we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on IDENTIFY, AND THEN COMMENT UPON, THE VARIETY OF NARRATIVE TECHNIQUES, IN THE HANDMAID’S TALE. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.
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Incident report
Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Incident report, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Incident report paper at affordable prices with !
1 Tuas Lane, Jurong Town Singapore 68610
Tel (65) 861 5444 Fax (65) 861 4777
To Henry Davidson Date October 0, 00
From Chua Jan Subject Delivery delay on
October 0, 00
At 1.0 P.M. on October 0, 00, our distributor, Mrs. Jenny Huang called and said that our gThe Barbarian Mugsh (BM 040 Model) cannot be accepted. After receiving the call, I went down to the distributor shop and inspected the glass mugs delivered. I found that about 80% of the glass mugs were broken. After checking the delivery truck, I found that the wheels of the delivery truck were still in relatively good condition, except for some sand and scratch marks. The weather is fine that day with little clouds.
After I had finished inspecting the goods and truck at .00 P.M., I arranged for the broken glass mugs to be sent back to our company. I notified Head of Manufacturing Department, Manager Lai Seng Boon to check if there was still spare stock of our gThe Barbarian Mugsh in our inventory that could be sent to Mrs. Huang. I also notified the head of delivery department, Manager Choo Boon Heng, to send another delivery truck to our distributor shop to send the broken glasses back to our factory and to replace them with the new batch of glass mugs. While waiting for the truck to arrive, I apologized to Mrs. Huang and promised that the new batch of glasses would arrive by 5.00 P.M. The truck arrived with the new batch of glasses at 4.0P.M.
By 5.00 P.M. we had finished unloading the new glasses and load the broken glass onto the truck. The remaining glasses, which were fine, were left at the shop.
The glass mugs were packed in brown boxes without cushioning. The mugs were found to be arranged in a haphazard manner and the strings used to tie them were of unsuitable material. Nylon strings should have been used instead of polyester threads. It was evident that the proper tying techniques were not used to tie the glass mugs. A single knot was used instead of the double knots. As shown in figure 1.1, you can see the wrong type of knot used to tie the package. Figure 1. shows the correct double knot to be used, for better strength to hold our carton together.
Fig 1.1 Wrong tying method
Fig 1. Correct tying method
It was the peak hour and the road was congested. Thus, our truck driver, Mr. Ang See Chong, in his bid to get the glass mugs to our distributor in the fastest possible time, drove at a higher speed. Moreover, the delivery route from our Tuas factory to our distributorfs shop in 40 Jalan Peminpin, #0-0 Tat An Building, had to pass through rough terrain, full of coarse sand. So, the high speed and jerky movement might have caused the glass mugs to bang into one another and resulted in them breaking.
In order to prevent such an incident from happening again in the future, I have made the following recommendations.
1. Have our packaging executive conduct a training course for our packaging staff about proper packaging procedure and methods. The above incident can be used as a case study for the course.
. Order specially marked and design boxes. These medium size boxes 1 X 1X , which are made of tough corrugated cardboard with wire-stitched seams, are extra durable and weight 1kg each. Each box can safely hold up 5 kg of our goods, about twice the load of our previous brown boxes and help us to track our packages easily. Cushions are also included in the boxes to withstand the jerky movement.
Please note that this sample paper on Incident report is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Incident report, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Incident report will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.
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Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in him, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your him paper at affordable prices with !
Perhaps it was because he saw her on her own turf, he saw how she worked and behaved in her true role as daughter and eldest child in the household; as a student and a friend; as a caregiver and a pacifier. In the morning he witnessed Kagome interjecting herself into an argument that stemmed from the fact that an unknown youkai sleeping on the couch (even though he wasn’t asleep, it was an alert rest, where pure rest was never accomplished to its fullest extent) and where she performed beautifully in his defense even though yesterday she was less than happy to have him here. He saw her help her brother with a math problem before he went off to school, he saw her clean the dishes from which they eat upon and he saw her discuss, somewhat less energetically than her grandfather, about whether traditional miko robes were as important as the training itself; the heavy garment acting as a discipline in itself for you had to walk upright with the heavy material clinging to your body. And perhaps it was because she seemed to smile more and laugh more when she was with her family, how it seemed so natural for her to conduct her life full of emotions and happiness. Or finally perhaps it was that Sesshomaru was finally realizing that she wasn’t such a bad human anyway. Well, perhaps it was easier for him to admit that because she wasn’t truly human. He had to keep reminding himself that she was immortal now as well, and somewhere in the vicinity of his chest ached a bit when he realized that her family wasn’t. Would she have to leave them in the future as she spent five hundred years in the past? Or will she abandon the shards and Inuyasha to begin her immortal life in this era? He tried to ignore the feeling that was again in the general vicinity of his chest when he thought of the idea of spending five hundred years without her. Forget the miko wench! The sword will call you to her whenever is necessary and you’ll see her often enough! Get a hold of yourself! A woman? Why would you ever want a woman to accompany you? Sesshomaru shifted his arm a little as he turned his head to glance the other way, away from the window where he had been staring at the miko quite openly. It is just time I took a mate, he thought, although he knew that propriety called for him to finish this…business with the miko before he could even consider a mate. He continued writing, another little amusement that came from the experiences he had here.
She wasnt normal. Neither was she brave nor courageous. But her stamina was not to be tested. And that is what he did. The glittering pieces were all lined up in a row at the beginning; the black and white board sheen with a kind of cheery glow of anticipation. It was a board that had been used many times, through many games and many players.
But now it was almost empty. An annoyed finger lightly tapped on the side of the board, anger permeating from the nails scratching at the surface. But the game wore on.
The board saw death to pieces. The carnage lay strewn on each side of the board. No one was speaking, the deadly silence emanated from the room to create a certain sound of its own; the complete opposite of noise. The board lost track of all time, all notion of existence. The world, for a moment, was suspended on air--the players alone to concentrate on a battle of wit and integrity. But there is always one winner.
She knew that her stamina was almost to a breaking point�never before had this occurred. But she competed. No one ever got better by playing someone inferior. He seemed to be the kind of person she would have liked to have known outside of their game, perhaps meeting him at a bar or through mutual friends. He played for the game too, but she knew it was over now. She knew that the ultimate outcome lay in her favor. It wasnt because she was superior. It was because she had played more than he had. Her skills were sharper�something that only resulted from recent and determined practice. Perhaps on another court he would be the winner.
She delicately moved her knight to rest beside his king. She didnt have to say it, but she said it anyway, out of habit
He laid down his king honorably. Slowly he got up, shaking her hand politely, not saying a word. As he walked away he turned back to her still sitting in her chair. From about seven feet away he shook his head as if in disbelief. And then he grinned. A Cheshire cat grin. And as he turned back and walked away she knew he was still grinning.
Sesshomaru grumbled a little as he reread what he wrote. It was always the same now�he wrote of a woman, a woman who reminded him of Kagome, and yet, the woman did not think like her. Instead he seemed to pour his feelings and perceptions into the woman; he seemed to make her feel what he was feeling and what he thought. Writing always seemed to be able to explain his mood better than he could and he didn’t like the way this was shaping up to be. Did he really want to know Kagome as someone other than his brother’s miko and an annoyance that involved his sword and her jewel? Did he want to continue this haphazard relationship and develop it into something more? Into something more than it already was? And what exactly did more mean? But the most important question was�
Please note that this sample paper on him is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on him, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on him will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.
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