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After reading Sharon Smith’s letter (Herald Sun, April 10th) I would just like to say that I agree with her completely.
I have been attending a coeducational school since prep, while one of my close female friends has been attending a single-sex school for the same amount of time. Both of us are currently in year . While around only girls, my friend is quite loud and extremely confident, but whenever we are in the presence of boys, all her confidence disappears, simply because she is not used to hanging around them When around girls, she is quite talkative and always has a lot to say, however when it comes to talking to boys, she can barley keep a small conversation going. All this is merely because she just does not have the experience at talking to boys.
Going to coeducational schools you learn to interact with the opposite sex in everyday life, and as a result of this you learn very valuable social skills, which will be extremely useful, if not absolutely necessary, in later life. Also, teenagers who are used to being around the opposite sex are going to understand them more, and therefore they’re going to be better at building relationships with them, as friends, and, as boyfriends and girlfriends. Experts say that girls who attended single-sex schools for most of their schooling are 5% more likely to marry their first serious boyfriend, and in some cases if they had waited, they could have most likely found someone better for them, but because they lacked the experience at dealing with boys, they simply settled for what they had because
they didn’t even know that they could have found someone better for them.
Cheap Custom Essays on Co-Ed vs Single Sex
Many people are under the misconception that teenagers learn better in a single-sex environment, however this is not necessarily so. How much teenagers learn usually depends on one of two things, their natural intelligence and how much they focus and concentrate in class. One of these factors, their natural intelligence, can’t be altered, however how much they concentrate can. Most people think that being around the opposite sex will make teenagers lose their concentration and not want to work. However most of the time, how much students concentrate depends on the teacher and their method of teaching, along with their ability to hold the students’ attention and how interesting they make the class. Because obviously if the students find the class extremely boring, then they’re going to find it much harder to concentrate. So perhaps the reason that single sex schools often have better results is because they just happen to have better teachers.
In the real world women and men aren’t separated, they need to work together and need to know how to cooperate and communicate with each other, and going to coeducational schools will help prepare you for this. Because isn’t that what schools are supposed to do, prepare you for the real world? Women and men aren’t separated in the real world, so why should boys and girls be separated from each other at school?
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