For Capital Punishment

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I strongly believe that the Death Penalty is a form of punishment to be

used when needed. Which opens up the question, when should it be used? That may

be the breaking point in a lot of arguments, deciding when to use the death

penalty is a very touchy subject. I believe that only murderers deserve the

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death penalty, but I do not believe that all murderers should receive it as

punishment. In cases where someone was killed in self defense, the murderer

should not receive the death penalty. But when someone is killed in cold blood

then there should be a consideration. Again, not all cold blooded murderers

should receive it. Premeditated and sometimes on the spot murders are also

candidates, but that depends on how the victim was treated before the murder.

Was he/she abused or tormented in a severe way? Or was the victim raped? I would

also take into account, the number of people killed by the murderer. Those are

not the only things to take into account, but I will stop here.

It was August , the year was 186. A man named Esquel Banda had just

raped, stabbed and strangled a 74 year old widow by the name of Merle Laird in

her own house. Banda then sucked the blood from the womans mouth.

Does that describe a kind, gentle man, who is not a threat to society? A

man who values life or a man that deserves life when he seems so eager to

destroy it? I certainly wouldnt think so.

Some people believe that the death penalty is wrong, what do you think?

Is it OK for a man to commit heinous murders but not OK for our valued legal

system, whos outcomes depend on ordinary people like you and me, to decide to

terminate that mans life for his crimes to others?

The death penalty is just that; a penalty. Its intention is not to

present an example to others, to show them not to commit murders, or this may

happen to you..., although it may very well work like that. If it is, fine, so

much the better. But it is a punishment. You cant say that the felon doesnt

really receive the punishment because hes dead because they have quite a few

years to think about it while on death row. Just sitting around a few years with

nothing to look forward to except death, is punishment enough. Infact, it may be

better than having a life jail term, without parole. Felons in that predicament

have said so themselves, they would rather die than have to wait the rest of

there life in jail, which can exceed 60 years. Which brings me around to my next


What happens if we do get rid of the death penalty? We would have

hundreds of murderers sitting in jails and mixing with many other people.

Dont put me in a cell with anybody. Ill kill them, it wont bother me to

kill somebody. Thats a quote from a former death row inmate. He brings up a

very important point. Our society always says how our prisons are safe and

secure. That may be true in some prisons now, but what happens when they have to

hold murderers like that inmate. If the death penalty isnt used anymore, then

what would stop inmates from killing other inmates and jail guards or repeatedly

trying to escape? Nothing; because if they do kill someone, their term wont

change, nothing worse can happen to them, except mabey a few days of solitude.

Nothing is stopping them from attempting more crimes in jail!

Another point I must bring up, is racism in the decision about who

should die. I will agree that there is some, but it is a simple problem with a

simple solution. Diversify our jurys. In most cases, a group of people chosen

randomly will be appointed to decide that fate of an accused murderer. If there

is racism and sexism, then even out the number of minorities and sexes in the

jury. But anyway, if we need to bag the death penalty because of racism and such,

then we sure cant have prisons! Dont tell me there isnt either of those when

the jail term is decided, because the truth is, there is a lot of racism is the


OK, my last point is the argument that the death penalty is just too

cruel to use. Ill agree that mabey hanging and a firing squad should be

abolished. But not the gas chamber, lethal injection or the chair. With the gas

chamber, the person just smells a strange smell, then there out of it. The only

pain in lethal injection is sticking the needle in the skin. The last one, the

electric chair is the most controversial. There are stories of people surviving

the first shock, in one case the man was sent back to his cell, but later he was

finally killed. That may be very shocking, but mabey you havent heard what some

of these people did. Heres an example...

A man and a woman were sitting in there car on the bank of a river on a

date. Two men approached the car and pointed a gun in. The man and women were

taken, and later, deep in a forest, the male victim was beaten, tied to a tree

and shot through the head, all in front of the womans eyes. For the next few

days, the woman was tortured and raped repeatedly and was almost killed in the


So, put yourself in those victims shoes, imaging the physical and

mental pain of the ordeal. Now what do you think? Should the murderers receive a

little bit of pain on their way out? I think its justifiable.

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