Stalin rise to power
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The Bolshevik party (renamed Communist Party in 11) attempted to come to terms with the reality of power over a period of conflict during which they were forced to resort to authoritarian measures. This repression that characterized the imposing of Bolshevik control over Russia later became known as the terror. Every Bolshevik activist suffered at the hands of the cheka (secret police) and no opposition within the Red Army was tolerated, with execution being imposed for desertion or disloyalty.
As with government and administration, the Communist Party had to learn the skills of economic management. Few historians accept the view that the revolutionary government embarked on a measured transformation of the old Russian economy into a planned socialist system, instead, Lenin’s policies are seen as an attempt to adjust to the harsh realities of the economic situation.
The new regime did not possess the power for an immediate transition from a bourgeois to a proletarian economy, so the Bolshevik government proposed to use the existing economic structures until the transition could be attained - this transition stage being referred to as state capitalism. After Lenin abruptly abandoned state capitalism, a series of harshly restrictive economic measures were introduced which were collectively known as war communism. The change in economic strategy is seen by many historians as part of the terror that the Bolsheviks operated in these years as every aspect of life, social, political and economic had to be subordinated to the task of winning the civil war. Under war communism, the Decree on Nationalisation brought practically all the major industrial enterprises in Russia under central government control and tightened the Bolshevik grip on industry. The other chief purpose of war communism was to force the peasants to provide more food, however, by 11, due to requisitioning, drought and the disruption of war, a national famine was caused. The Bolsheviks responded to this by establishing the New Economic Policy which, by 14, had produced an economic balance � industry had largely recovered and an abundant harvest guaranteed the maintenance of food supplies.
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Please note that this sample paper on Stalin rise to power is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Stalin rise to power, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Stalin rise to power will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.
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Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Stalin, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Stalin paper at affordable prices !
The October coup of 117 that resulted in the Bolshevik consolidation of power revealed that all the party’s efforts had been directed towards preparing for revolution, however little attention has been given to the details of how affairs would be organized after this was accomplished. Russia was essentially a one party state, with a government who had no detailed programme for leading the country.
Lenin’s government was presented with an immediate problem � the Bolsheviks had only won a quarter of the seats in the November elections for the Constituent Assembly. Lenin had originally supported the idea of a Constituent Assembly but judging by the results of the elections he calculated that it would be impossible for his party to govern effectively alongside an assembly that was overwhelmingly non-Bolshevik. So, in January 118, the Constituent Assembly was dissolved at gunpoint by the Red Guards.
The Bolshevik’s crushing of the Constituent Assembly and subsequent outlawing of all other parties showed that they were not prepared to share power. This claim to absolute authority by the Bolsheviks resulted in the Russian civil war, which took place between 118 � 10. The conflict was not just a matter of the Bolsheviks (Reds) facing their political enemies (Whites) in a military struggle, but a far more complex affair, with a number of Russia’s national minorities fighting in the war primarily to establish their independence from Russia. The Reds emerged as the dominators in the struggle as they were sustained by a driving sense of purpose and an unshakable belief in their own victory.
Cheap University Papers on Stalin
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Same sex adoptions
Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Same sex adoptions, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Same sex adoptions paper at affordable prices !
HOMOSEXUAL ADOPTION. Imagine yourself as a person who
has a nice home, a good job, religious faith, and a loving
relationship with another person of the same sex. The first three
Cheap custom writing service can write essays on Same sex adoptions
things in the previous sentence would almost indefinitely make
you a good prospect to be a parent of an adopted child. These
are the main things that adoption agencies look for in a parents
background. However, the last thing mentioned would (in most
states) immediately eliminate you from being able to adopt a child.
This angers many people who see themselves as good people
who could be good parents to those children who have no
families and are up for adoption. Homosexuals argue that
parenting is about responsibility and commitment, not sexual
orientation. They also argue that legislation has no real reasons
behind passing the anti-homosexual adoption law, besides their
own personal biases behind homosexuality. Gay and lesbian
people have searched for reasoning behind the law and have
only found that there are no REAL reasons. First of all, there have
not been any studies done and proved that children of gay or
lesbian parents are disadvantaged in any significant respect
relative to children of heterosexual parents. There is no evidence
at all that sexual preference of adults in the home has any
detrimental impact on children. Little difference exists in the
overall mental health of children raised in homosexual
households. And once again, the quality of parenting, not the
parents sexual orientation, is the most crucial factor for a childs
healthy growth and development. Homosexuals strongly believe
that the anti-homosexual adoption legislation is an attack against
gay and lesbian people. But in all reality it is a bigger attack on
the behalf of children who have no family or home. They argue
that of the 500,000 children in foster care, 100,000 of these
children are awaiting adoption. And that there are only 0,000,
qualified adoptive parents for these children. The rest of these
500,000 children are left to suffer without a loving family and
parents. They believe that our representatives need to be lifting
families and children up-not devising, discriminatory,
unconstitutional legislation. However, there is another side to
these arguments. Those who are against homosexual adoption
believe that being adopted by parents who are living together as
homosexuals, may bring out unrestrained homophobia from the
rest of society. This I agree with. I believe that other children who
think of their home life to be normal would discriminate against
children who lead a different lifestyle. Children can be very harsh
with their words and actions against others who know not how to
react and defend themselves because they do not know the
normal lifestyle in which the other children lead. They would
probably be teased and tormented to no end and there is nothing
anyone could to about it. If the male and female household has
not been the norm for millions of years, this may not propose such
a problem. The children may not even be the main problem. It is
most likely that parents of male/female relationships would not
allow their children to associate with gay or lesbian adopted
children, and would probably create a major dispute with the
school system in which they are attending school. Those who
disagree with homosexual adoption also think that in response to
being a child of such a lifestyle, it would encourage the children to
be homosexual themselves. Whether this is true or not, I dont
know, but I do think that because that is all that they know they
would most likely turn to a form of it sometime during their life,
which would in turn increase the homosexual population. This
could also pose a problem for the many people who disagree with
homosexuality and it is scary to think of the extremes people may
take to rid or exclude this population from their lives. Think of the
times of the Civil War days, when blacks were practically banned
from the majority of public places because they were not the
majority or the normal color. Could this ever happen to gays and
lesbians? This is a question we must ask ourselves. I know there
are laws prohibiting such acts, but there are laws discouraging
many things that still go on today, like murder, sexual abuse, etc.
There is nothing really stopping people from moving out of town,
taking their kids out of school, or utilizing the same public places
that they share with homosexual people. There are cases where
this has already happened. Children have been moved to
different schools because parents dont want their child to be
influenced in any way by a homosexual, or even a child of one.
There is nothing to stop them from taking such actions or even
actions much worse. It is hard to tell the extremes that people may
go to in order to carry out their beliefs. I have found several
different web-sites that I thought contained a lot of good
information on homosexual adoption. First,
http// is a web-site that explains
some of the problems that gay and lesbian adoptive parents
encounter. One of the problems that may be encountered is trying
to find an agency that will work with them. A growing number of
agencies are accepting applications from gay and lesbian adults,
however, when the child to be adopted is a child with special
needs. If the homestudy reveals that the applicant will be a good
parent, his or her sexual orientation is immaterial. If state law does
not prohibit gays and lesbians from adopting, most agencies will
be willing to work with you. If you are successful in finding an
agency, there are great places where you can find adoption
support groups for gay and lesbian adults. One of these places is
the National Adoption Information Clearinghouse, NAIC. The
address and a little of their information is posted on the web-site
mentioned above. Web-sites such as this one are good in my
opinion because of the fact that Im sure that people get down
when they are turned away adoption agencies because of their
sexual orientation, even though they know they would make
fantastic parents and provide greatly for a child. Therefore,
support groups may be needed at times to help you to keep your
head up and to keep trying until you find someone who can see it
from your point of view. They may even be able to point you in the
right direction in helping you to find an agency who works well
with gays and lesbians wanting to adopt. I think that this is a good
site to utilize because like I mentioned before, sometimes we need
some assistance when we are trying to make a lifetime decision.
People who have experienced such times as we may be going
through are often times a lot of help and usually have a lot of
information to share. This site was created by the North American
Council on Adoptable Children. I think that they are a valuable
resource because Im sure that they have experienced many
different situations and know a lot about what the possibilities are
of becoming an adoptive parent as a gay or lesbian. I dont really
think that this particular web-site has any downfalls except that
the couldve put a few more links on it to point people to other
options if these certain ones arent working for them. A quote
made by the Council of Adoptable Children that I thought was kind
of encouraging for those who wish to adopt was Everyone with
the potential to successfully parent a child in foster care or
adoption is entitled to a fair and equal consideration regardless of
sexual orientation or differing lifestyle or physical appearance.
The second web-site that I found was
http// This particular web-site
holds support information on how to go about applying to adopt a
child and the assistance programs available to help you do so. It
gives specific addresses and states in which adoption agencies
accepting applications from gay and/or lesbian couples are
located. Some of the states that accept these applications are
California, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, and
Washington. It is said that most of the states that allow such
adoptions are ones in which the populations are high and
numbers of children who need foster care are in the extremes.
One of the links included in this site contains local agencies in
your area, available searches for birth parents or family, online
chats with other homosexual couples looking to adopt a child and
adoption resources that are available to assist you in finding an
agency or someone who can help you. I think that this web-site
could be very helpful in more ways than one. For instance, if you
live in Florida, you know right away that that particular state does
not allow these adoptions because of the anti-homosexual
adoption legislation, so you can look on this web-site to see
where it would be possible for you to live and do so. This could
make it easier for you to not have to deal with agencies that will
reject your application and give you the ability to find a place that
wont. And also you can speak online with others who have
possibly gone through the process and maybe they can give you
some helpful hints on how to go about it, and maybe even
recommend some good people to speak with. The final web-site
that I looked into and thought would be a reliable source of
information and thought was very interesting was
http// This web-site was
created by the ACLU in 1. It can be very useful in several
ways. It gives and overview of legal issues and policies of gay
and lesbian parenting. It also gives a few stats such as, 1 states
have granted second-parent adoptions to lesbian and gay
couples. And states have allowed lesbians and gays to adopt
children either through state-run or private adoption agencies.
There is also a part on research that has been done on gay and
lesbian parenting. It gives the facts and conclusions of some of
the studies that have been done, which I found very interesting.
One that surprised me was that there is no evidence to suggest
that the children of lesbian and gay parents are less intelligent,
suffer from more problems, are less popular, or have lower self
esteem than children of heterosexual parents. These three things
surprise me because I think of all of the tormenting that has to go
on within and outside of the school system and around their peer
group. This site also states a few myths v. facts that I thought was
neat to include. One example being; Myth Children need a
mother and a father to have proper male and female role models.
Fact Children without homes have neither a mother nor father as
role models. And children get their role models from many places
besides their homes and parents. These include grandparents,
aunts, uncles, teachers, friends, and neighbors. In a case-by-case
evaluation, trained professionals can ensure that the child to be
adopted or placed in foster care is moving into an environment
with adequate role models of all types. This site also includes a
few examples of other resources that are available such as recent
books and articles relating to this subject. I thought that this was
the best web-site of all because you know the information in
reliable and they have a lot of information to offer. After viewing
both sides of the arguments about homosexual adoption I have
come to a conclusion for myself. Even though I came into this
project with a bias against gay and lesbian adoption, I think that I
have become a little more tolerant of it, knowing that there are no
significant effects that it will have on a child in such a situation
and knowing that children dont have to face as much prejudice as
I thought that they would. I guess since homosexuality continues
to grow everyday, it is becoming a little more accepted every day
ACLU Fact Sheet
DescriptionLegal overview of homosexual adoption. Myths v. Facts on gay and
lesbians parents.
Adoption states
DescriptionSupport information on homosexual adoption and states where it is
Homes for Kids (http//
DescriptionProblems gay and lesbian adoptive parents encounter throughout the
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Banks vs. Credit Unions
Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Banks vs. Credit Unions, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Banks vs. Credit Unions paper at affordable prices !
Two of the most important depository institutions are banks and credit unions. While they share many commonalities, they also have important differences. It is these differences I will focus on, in terms of structure, clientele base, and regulation.
One significant area that banks and credit unions differ in is regarding their structure. In terms of size, banks are the largest group of depository institutions; individually, they are much larger than credit unions. Their liabilities are made up of various types of nondeposit sources of funds, and they have a broader range of loans. Important assets for banks are securities holdings and mortgages. Banks are also known for having high leverage. The fact that credit unions are nonprofit is one difference in terms of structure. Because of this feature, their income is not taxed. The money deposited by members is used to provide for loans to other members. And since credit unions are tax-exempt, they can charge lower rates on loans.
Banks and credit unions also differ in terms of their clientele bases. Where banks appeal more to firms, credit unions are more for the average consumer. Credit unions are made up members who all have something in common (such as working for the same company), or that was at least the original idea. Membership criteria is broadening, such that members of credit unions aren’t quite as closely knit as before.
Regulation is another area where banks and credit unions differ. Banks are more heavily regulated, being subject to the regulations of up to four different regulators. These are the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Federal Reserve System, and state bank regulators. The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), on the other hand, regulates credit unions. Credit unions can also be either federally or state chartered.
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Please note that this sample paper on Banks vs. Credit Unions is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Banks vs. Credit Unions, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Banks vs. Credit Unions will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.
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Business Services
Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Business Services, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Business Services paper at affordable prices !
According to the book, business which provides services to its customers account to almost half of the American economy. Those who cannot find jobs in the manufacturing sector may find a job in the service sector. What is the service sector? The service sectors are businesses that provide service in forms of intangible products. Examples of those are professional services (legal, accounting, management, engineering), recreation services (bowling alleys, golf courses, amusement parks), education (universities, libraries) and others.
Changes in the demography of the country and the consistent increase of population will have considerable impact on the service sector. Demand for services will surely rise. We have a culturally diverse economy and the trends shows that minority groups will increase in number as time goes by. Services which cater to specific minority groups will definitely have a chance at success.
On a local scale, Contra Costa’s service sector is growing and more jobs are being created. According to the CA Employment Development Department (Industry Trends and Outlook 1-006), the service sector is the fastest and the largest growing industry in Contra Costa. Growth rates of 6% will have a significant impact on creating new jobs and will drive the local economy. Among those industries, computer-related companies will be the fastest growing (hi-tech companies from Santa Clara, San Mateo and San Francisco counties has been moving to Contra Costa because of lower rents, new housing and a highly educated labor force),second will be employment agencies, next will be the security-related businesses. Health, construction, advertising, building maintenance, equipment rental, and credit and collection agencies will increase overall.
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Five service businesses I chose
1. Prudential Real Estate Offices in Contra Costa � Mortgage rates are its lowest in a number of decades and is a major factor in driving the demand for housing in the county. It means good business for real estate companies. They also provide mortgage service to its home buyers so that’s hitting two birds with one stone. They are also using the internet to complement their service. Home buyers will find it easier to browse homes through Prudential’s website; they can sort it out by price range, square feet, no. of rooms, etc. For job-hunters, they offer a free training incentive for those who are interested in being a real estate agent or broker, and they are helping to create jobs. Real estate prices in the county are high compared to other areas, demand for homes is still rising. As two-income families are on the rise, these homes will be more affordable to them. It is very difficult for a one �income family to afford a house here in the Bay Area.
. Sunrise Assisted Living � As the aging population grows, services that provide health care assistance to the elderly will surely be in demand. Sunrise Assisted Living offers different choices to its customers. They offer assisted independent living communities which provide senior citizens with their own apartments, social and cultural activities, exercise programs, housekeeping, a 4-hour medical alert, activity center, etc. They also offer assisted living to persons who cannot live on their own. Nursing care will be provided and regular health check-ups will be performed. This business will thrive as to meet the demands of the maturing population.
. Day Care Facilities � Nowadays, both parents can be working. Who is going to take care of their kids? Enter the business of day-care. Although some companies are offering day-care programs to working parents, not all of them do. Day-care facilities will continue to gain in popularity due to the increasing numbers of two-income families. According to the Contra Costa Times “In addition to reducing juvenile delinquency rates, Contra Costas licensed child care centers create more than 4,000 jobs, and allow the countys working parents to earn $55 million annually, the report states. Increase in productivity at work is a benefit. The children will receive supervision and training, like at kindergarten schools.
4. Computer Repair Shops � The information age has brought upon the popularity of the internet and personal computers. With the dramatic increase of personal computer ownership in households and businesses and the fast-paced development of hardware and software, computer owners may want to upgrade their hardware to utilize the newer programs. A faster computer will perform better and makes programs run faster. Crashes will be lessened because of advanced operating systems and memory. The dramatic price drop in computer components makes upgrading a cost-effective alternative than buying a new pc. The popularity of mp and digital picture files which takes up a lot of space in the hard drive will require bigger drives.
Please note that this sample paper on Business Services is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Business Services, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Business Services will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.
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safety and seaworthiness
Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in safety and seaworthiness, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your safety and seaworthiness paper at affordable prices !
1. The possibility of insuring cargo was introduced earlier. How does the situation change, as far as incentives are concerned, when companies can insure their transported goods against possible shipwrecks?
First of all, the companies’ most important aim is to safe money. Therefore if they have to deliver their goods from on place to another, they are intent on taking care about their products. Transportation companies comprehend that it is by no means more efficient to teach their staff to carry out good safety on board than leaving the ship in own responsibility and hoping that craft and cargo will arrive without a damage. In no doubt it is quite expensive to hold a good quality of security and seaworthiness. Preparing the stuff, checking the ship and everything cost time and money. The whole situation changes if the company has now the option of insuring the cargo against potential ship wrecks.
The term moral hazard, originated in the insurance industry comes to light. It is a form of post contractual opportunism which arises when a contract or some kind of a contract has be signed. The main point of the theory of moral hazard is that people with insurance tend to change their behaviour in a way that harms the insurance companies.
Before it has been a major point to worry about security and since the transportation company is insured this astonishing moral hazard problem occurs and it seems that security is a new term for the business. Being insured may make people do not mind about precautions which could prevent some happenings.
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One example for this phenomena might be the situation when you rent a small motorboat during the holidays. Normally insurance is included in the rent and you do not have to care about possible dangers. You would likely to be more careful in using a rented motorboat if you would be financially responsible for all possible damage. Certainly you want to check the boat before driving it, which is not the case if you would be insured against everything. In that case doing a security check is regarded as wasted time because you would get the money when something happened. If you are fully insured, then being careful brings you no extra benefits.
Principally such a moral hazard problem occurs if people are likely to transmit false information or when they are tempted to take an inefficient action. Unfortunately there is a big difficulty to hold back the passing on of false information because you would have to monitor your clients constantly and this is sometimes simply not possible. So the insurance company has to react in a different way. It may not suffer any losses from moral hazard if it sets the insurance premium high enough to cover the extra costs. This is one successful solution.
. Discuss a situation in which the same company owns both the ship and the cargo (say for instance a substantial amount of crude oil). If this entity is insured against a shipwreck, who stands to lose the most if an accident does occur?
In my opinion there is no possibility to answer this question in only one genuine way. I will try to give an insight into the �costs` for both, the company itself and the insurance company.
I found a sentence which I would say, is an appropriate point in the situation, where a company looses its cargo or even its ship
“The market value of real property reflects the opportunity to use the property immediately. The change in a property’s market value after a loss reflects the loss of this opportunity”.
So, the loss of not having the cargo now is an important point to name. Even when the lost cargo and the ship are replaced, there are probably lost earnings, caused of the effect of the loss.
I would mention here a possible fact that the business partner is already waiting for the company’s cargo. He could be a manufacturer who needs these items to go on in producing. Someone has also to compensate for these costs that the machines are left empty. If the manufacturer would have to pay this loss by himself, he would probably break up his business relationship. So there is the cost of loosing its reputation, because nobody wants to risk something in building up a relationship with a company which is likely to have difficulties in bringing its cargo to the right place at the right time.
All these sorts of costs a company has to finance by itself. Normally the insurance contract includes only the money for restoration or replacement of the vessel and its cargo and there is nothing written about paying for these extra costs. With offering an insurance benefit for the damaged cargo and the ship, insurance companies often face this problem You would be better off as a business man by damaging your old ship if you would have received an amount of money which is of the value of a new one. Selling your ship would not be so effective. To control this way of behaviour, insurance contracts often include the condition of requiring replacement for getting an insurance benefit.
An additional solution of controlling as an insurance company this problem, would be, in my opinion, not to pay the whole current market value, but with the reduction of depreciation, depending on the years the ship is already used.
Therefore, trying to weigh up all these facts I would say that finally the company looses the most, because these are losses you cannot have under control easily and they can exceed the costs of the ship plus cargo. The company faces also costs which may come up later, like the risk of loosing its reputation and you are hardly able to define the arising disadvantages from a lost partnership.
On the contrary the insurance company takes the risk of having to pay an insurance benefit into account and it has already in advance the ability to handle with particular numbers.
. Section . ends with a short note on how the insurance companies have an incentive to somehow monitor the seaworthiness and safety of the insured vessels. How are the insurance companies doing this and how do insurance contracts work in the case of cargo carrying vessels?
Based on a paper from the Internet about marine cargo insurance I will try to give an insight in the nature of insurance contracts concerning vessel transportation.
Generally there are many international sales transactions, with goods having to be transported over long distances. Therefore a ship accident, result in the total or partial loss of the cargo or even with the loss of the vessel, is quite possible.
Marine cargo insurance helps to remove the financial burden of the risks of loss or damage regarding to the transportation of these goods.
In earlier times the Marine insurance used to refer just to the limited insurance of ships and their cargoes, but nowadays it takes the risk also for the movement of cargo which involves no ocean transport at all. The specialists, in assessing risks relating to goods in transit within the marine insurance are called Marine underwriters.
An insurance company employs underwriters who transact business on behalf of the company. The main functions of the Marine Insurance are Spread of Risk, Aid to Security, Aid to Credit, Source of Employment, Source of Capital and Loss Prevention. Spread of Risk is explained by the sentence “Share the losses of a few among the many”.
In this case you can mention the notion ‘indemnity’, which means that the insured must not be better off after a loss, but therefore also not worse off. He will be put back into the same financial position as just prior to the loss. The function aid to security wants to say, that the insured has not to fear a potential financial loss.
Coming now to the different kinds of losses, there is to say that the insurance covers in no case loss damage or expense arising form unseaworthiness of vessels or cargo. Losses can be one of two types total loss or partial loss.
The first type total loss is divided into actual total loss, which means a loss or damage to the entire property, the constructive total loss, which refers to the fact that the cost of recovering the goods would exceed the insured value, or when the property is abandoned, because its actual loss seems unavoidable. Total loss of part is when there is a loss of one part, but the rest is without damage. The second type partial loss, where the loss is less than total amount of insurance, can be divided into general average loss and particular average loss. “Average” means partial loss. In the case of general average loss, the loss of the cargo is caused through a voluntary action of the ship-owner, for example to save the ship he throws the jettison overboard to lighten the ship.
A particular average loss is not caused through a deliberate action of the owner, it refers to a loss which is for example caused during the loading of the vessel. One of the most important points with reference to an insurance contract is that the insured person is obliged to pay to the insurance company the premium due for insurance. In case of non-payment of the premium the insurance company has the right to refuse payment of the insurance benefit.
By the way, there are four basic principles of the Marine Insurance to mention. The insurable Interest, the indemnity, the utmost good faith and the subrogation. Primarily “The insured must have financial interest in the object of insurance. A person has insurable interest in property when he will be financially prejudiced by its loss or damage and when he will financially benefit from its continued existence.”
The point ‘indemnity’, I already mentioned before, is about the fact that the insured will be in the same financial position like before the incident. The part ‘utmost good faith’ is about the requirement to the insured to give full information of every material fact in respect to the risk. Finally the fourth principle ‘Subrogation’ “The right of an insurer, after paying a loss, to assume the rights of the insured to recover this loss from the responsible party.”
Generally the insured is obliged immediately as he becomes aware of changes in risk, to inform the insurance company. Changes like, delay in shipment, deviation from the route or change of manner of shipment are concerned. Sooner or later when there happens an accident, the insured is obliged to take all possible measures for salvage and preservation of the damaged cargo or ship. If the insured then gets also money form a third party he has to report this. The insurance company will only pay the difference between the compensation and the money the company got already from a third party.
In the end, it would be quite attractive to know if these kinds of reports from the side of the insured were credible. The only solution could be monitoring, but normally this is simple not feasible. Monitoring is related to excessively many costs, like the cost for an inspector on every ship, or cameras and observers who check these cameras continuously. Therefore, I think a good solution would be taking single checks which are left to chance. This can be very effective, because there is also a deterrent effect behind it.
4. This paper argues that a shipping company in financial distress might be tempted to neglect safety issues in order to cut down on costs. Should there be a system similar to that applied in banking that would establish minimum requirements on the financial solidity of a shipping company?
The main question here is if a financial solidity would be as important for a shipping company as for customers requiring loans from a bank. Concerning the banking nature, such a financial security is necessary. Otherwise the financial institutions would be ruined. It would cause a big mess if everyone was allowed to borrow money in form of credits from the bank, without having any security. In lack of financial strength for the loan the bank might not get the money back. So, in banking it is highly demanded to own a financial solidity, at least as high as the given loan, to get financial help from your bank. Now it would be quite possible to think about of importing a similar system in the character of safety and seaworthiness. For setting up a transportation company it could be required to have a particular amount or a specific percentage to spend on checking the safety and seaworthiness of the vessel. The advantage of this requirement is that the transportation company looses its excuse of not having enough money to do precautions before leaving the port. But is this the right way?
This financial strength could also be seen as a barrier to get into the shipping business, especially for small companies. Therefore you could mention the fact of fewer competitors in this business, but this is not the reason to bring in a minimum amount.
The difficulty is whether they really will ensure safety just because of having the money for it. There is no regulation which says that they have to do the check. The important thing here is just to have the money. So it could be quite possible that some shipping company can enter the business but have no security controls at all.
In my view it is relatively more effective to have a system which demand a particular safety and seaworthiness check, which is for everyone the same.
It does not matter for the supervisor whether the company has the money or not, it has to have this security standard. Therefore it is clear that they have to spend a particular amount of money on having such a standard.
As a result, I think it is wasted time to control the financial solidity and it is much better to have an organization which takes time to make controls concerning the required safety standard.
5. How could the EU, for instance, improve the safety and seaworthiness of oil tankers in traffic within its territory? The tendency today is that shipping companies register their vessels in less developed countries to cut costs.
“On the 1. Nov 00 the Prestige, a 6-year-old single hull oil tanker flying the flag of the Bahamas and carrying 77000 tonnes of heavy fuel oil, ran into serious trouble off the coast of Galicia.”
These kinds of accidents cause a serious problem of pollution, but even worse is the fact that there would have been ways to prevent most of such catastrophes. Primarily I thought about, the importance of having a system where you always know which ships are where located at a specific time, like in the case of aeroplanes. I found out that this already exists, the Community vessel traffic monitoring system, known as “Safe Sea Net”.
It includes a European database and a network between the Member States for exchanging data concerning the identity, position and routing of a particular ship.
The nest step could be now to find these vessels which are lack of safety. There is one interesting way to manage this, written in a paper of the Commission of the European Communities.
The topic of this document is about improving accidents in response to the Prestige accident. So I will have something to compare my ideas with the facts which are based on reality.
It talks about using the pilots in a port. In the view of their daily dealing with vessels, they often have more information about ships than anyone else. That is why they are under an obligation to inform the appropriate authority if they realize an absence of safety in an EU-port. A ship which is reported by one of theses pilots will be checked by inspectors. If it is then identified as a substandard vessel it will be kept out of ports of the Member States. By the way, usually most of these kinds of vessels avoid ports in the Union anyway.
So it came the possibility to my mind to sign these ships which got checked by the European Union and which have a certificate of safety. Perhaps this would be an incentive for the rest to get such a certificate and it would be easier to recognize these ones with no conferment of being safe. A similar effect to spur on the rest of the ship owners to make safety checks could also be to punish these ones heavily which caused marine pollution, no matter if it has been accidental or not.
In my opinion a very good concept, mentioned in the paper, is the decision of building a fund for compensation for oil pollution incidents. The fund has to cover damage up to EUR 1 billion and has to be fully operational before the end of 00. The idea is that all coastal Member States participate in it from the start.
In the case of the Prestige accident it concerns a single-hulled tanker which was already quite old and still carrying heavy fuel oil, which is among the most polluting types of oil.
Because of its relatively small risk of fire or explosion, it is regularly carried in older tankers nearing the end of their economic lives. So, the last point I want to mention about improving safety is that the Commission intends to set up regulations for prohibiting the transport of heavy fuel oil in single-hulled tankers, between 005 and 01, which are on their way for or leaving EU ports.
According to the tendency that shipping companies register their vessels in less developed countries, there is to say that it would be one solution or at least a try, to give them special incentives if they register their ships in the European Union, like having more advantages and more scopes in EU ports. First I also thought about punishing them in some way, like not letting them enter EU ports, if they do not register in the EU, but I gave it up again, because I think this would only cause big barriers in trading. Therefore I am not going to change my mind and I still think that giving incentives is the better way to convince somebody of doing an action.
6. The bribing of inspectors discussed earlier does not have to be that straight forward, it can be done in more subtle ways than actually handing the inspector a bundle of cash. Discuss the incentive issues involved in such a bribe.
Corruption is already an ancient problem. It used to be the demander of a good that might be willing to bribe to get access to a good, not the supplier. The demander of an insurance benefit may in most circumstances be willing to bribe to get access to its resources, not the insurance company paying a customer to accept its services. Corruption can be seen as very differential, because social norms are very different in different countries. What is regarded in one culture as corruption may be considered a part of routine transaction in another culture.
In my view they have in common that bribery is something to convince somebody to change his mind or even to lie.
In the case of bribing I mention three parts. On the one side there is the supervisor who wants to control a company regarding for example security. On the other side there is the company which should have these security standards to be able to leave the port or to get registered. These two parties are connected through an inspector. If the shipping company did precautions and has the demanded safety standard, it has nothing to fear from the inspectors, they will do their job well and will report it to the regulator. Everyone will be satisfied.
What if the situation is changed and the company knows of its lack of safety? The inspectors would report this information to the controller and the ship had to stay in the harbour until the safety conditions are completed. This could be a real problem for the shipping company when there are business partners who are already waiting to trade.
Probably they are manufacturers and there is no possibility to wait any longer, so they will change their partner and will finish the relationship with the company.
This could have been avoided if the company had bribed the inspectors. The company’s advantage would be to get registered without complications and the advantage of the inspector would be the extra money or whatever he got for his action.
So, bribing seems to be the perfect solution.
But a problem will arise when the inspector has to fear to be monitored. If he would be caught getting bribed he would loose his job and would have to pay a fine. The risk would be much higher in comparison to before, where he could be sure not to be controlled by the regulator.
The inspector would probably take this risk just for a higher corruption charge. This extra payment has to be high enough to be equal if he got discovered. If the company can resign to this higher price the solution is good. But what if this corruption fee is higher than the costs the company would have because of their lack of safety?
Bribing is not always that easy it looks like. There are always the pros and cons to mention if the risks of bribery pay off.
7. Discuss the different ways of ‘punishing’ the shipping company after an accident has occurred and the company has been made liable. Which are the pros and cons of the different methods, for instance jail sentences or fines. What kind of incentives do these create for the responsible decision makers?
Concerning an occurrence of a ship accident, there will be examinations if the incident was caused in order of carelessness brought about the ship company or of another reason. If the inspectors come to the decision that the transportation company is liable, she will have to ‘pay’ in return somehow. The most common way to compensate is the fine. The company in question has to pay a particular amount of money and has no other disadvantages. Generally I would set this kind of payment quite high for eluding the effect, that these companies count this fine already for their expenditure. If they do not have any problems, speaking from a control or an accident, they are lucky and if they would have to pay, it would not be that big problem, because they took this amount already into their balance sheet. By the way, if the fine would be an amount which could be a real danger for the future of the company, especially for small companies, the effect of deterrence would be much higher. This is the first advantage I want to mention, deterrence.
A possible disadvantage could be when the decision maker, the ship-owner, knows if an incident arises and he probably has to pay a fine that he does not want to spend a big amount on a safety check, for the reason he does not want to pay the protection and the fine together. So it could be that he likes to take the risk of not having a problem because of the not done examination and if he would have to pay, it would not be that bad for him, because he saved already money with no checking the vessel before.
Another familiar way of punishing a ship company is to give them jail sentences. Concerning deterrence, jail has a very good effect. The positive part of having jail sentences as a deterrence factor is that a shipping company in contrast to the fine effect will definitely prefer investing more money in security on board than having problems afterwards which results in going to jail. In my opinion jail, as a form of punishment harms in no doubt the reputation of the transportation company by far more than having to pay just a fine. As a customer or even as a business partner from such a company which had serious problems in a ship accident, the penalty ‘jail’ stays longer in your mind. If you would compare two companies which had for example the same accident with because of the same lacks of safety on board and one of these two will be punished with a fine and the other one with jail sentences, you would automatically connect the latter one with a worse crime. That is why, if I had the opportunity to choose my punishment in such a situation, I would always prefer to pay the fine as saving money and going to jail. Normally there is no opportunity to choose and these two penalties jail and fine are often seen combined.
As a disadvantage of punishing a transportation company with jail I would mention the fact that this company is taken out of business for a particular time. So this kind of punishment does not only harm the concerned company but probably the whole business chain where the punished one is in the middle. There are also costs for the rest of this chain to find a new member which replaces the particular company. Instead of jail I thought about stripping someone of his power to sail at all, but this kind of punishment would be certainly too hard and it would not make any sense, because the concerned person has not chance anymore to improve himself. Regarding this idea it would be quite effective to strip someone of his power just for some time. So, the punished does not have to go to jail, which is good for his reputation, but cannot continue his business for a couple of days.
The only problem here is that this causes the same effect, already said before, that the whole business chain has to pay. So you could change this notion to a temporal prohibition just for particular routs and this is in my mind one of the best solutions. The shipping company can continue its business but probably with more work. If it is no big deal to take another route, the incentive of the ship-owner would be to cut down the expenditure in examinations, so it is important to embargo these routes where the ship-owner is better off in making security checks before than taking such an afford of taking the long way round, which is also connected with costs.
Nowadays where a lot of ship traffic is already present, this would simultaneously be a solution to ease the traffic on the main routes.
If someone does not respect this sort of punishment, the consequence could be jail.
8. Reputation is important, at least in passenger traffic. But is it as important in cargo traffic, given the possibility of insurance? Discuss!
In my view, reputation is the key to trust. You will always connect good reputation with good quality and service. In general it is a long way to gain the trust of your consumers and to establish a good reputation of your company. Above all an expensive way. So the most important thing for companies is to care about their reputation and to maintain it. In passenger traffic it is of especially importance to have a well known reputation. As the view of a consumer f you enter a ship you would like to leave it again without any complications. It can be a decision between life and death which ferry you take to go on holiday for example. So you likely let yourself be guided from recommendations.
It is not the same now in the case of cargo traffic but I think reputation is still important. A good reputation can be the glue for business relationships like I mentioned already by answering some questions before. Also as a businessman you do not want to have a risk when you sign a contract. You do not have to fear of your life like in the case of consumers regarding passenger traffic, but you have many risks, too. As a result you will prefer to trade with these companies which are well known and from which you did not hear anything bad. When I think now about the possibility of insurance, I have still my opinion about the importance of a good reputation. As an insured company you probably loose risks like the risk of having to pay in the case of an accident, but the insurance will not care about your lost profit and especially not about your reputation. As a consumer you will hear about an incident where a ship sank with its cargo. If the time comes and you want to send a delivery somewhere, the name of the sunken vessel will come again to your mind and you will probably choose another transportation company. Even if you knew the fact, that the cargo was insured and everybody got his money you would like to avoid possible problems with taking another company.
I would say that reputation is as important in cargo traffic even if the opportunity of insurance is given.
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The Glass Menagerie
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The Glass Menagerie
In the play, The Glass Menagerie, the author, Tennessee Williams states that Amanda is a little woman of great but confused vitality, clinging frantically to another time and place. She is portrayed as the character in the book that really sets the play in motion, so it is fair to say she should be perceived as the main character. It is hard to say what is most memorable about Amanda, whether it being her belief in the success of her children, or her strong affection towards the past. One thing is for sure, and although she comes off as foolish, Amanda is a dynamic character in the notion that she completely transforms throughout the play.
At the start of the play, Amanda is ironically resentful about her past. As much as she regrets what went on with her husband, she talks about it often. On page 5, Amanda states, “Oh, I can see the handwriting on the wall as plain as I see the nose in front of my face! It’s terrifying! More and more you remind me of your father! He was out all hours without explanation!�Then left! Goodbye!” It is obvious here that Amanda tries to act as if she is undaunted by her husbands absence. However, in reality, it is tearing her apart inside. Throughout the play it becomes more evident that Amanda is forgetting her past and moving on. There is a clear transition from the past and how Amanda focuses more on the future when she says to Tom, “Don’t think about us, a mother deserted, an unmarried sister who’s crippled and has no job!” It is at this moment the audience recognizes Amanda’s growth. Contrary to living through her past, she finally accepts it as part of her life, and moves on.
As a mother, Amanda is blindsided by the belief that her children are bound to succeed in life. She will not accept the fact that society looks upon her daughter Laura as “crippled” and she fails to believe that her son upholds a dead-end job. Amanda is bewildered by the realization that her daughter has not been attending classes and in amazement she utters, “Fifty dollars’ tuition, all of our plans- my hopes and ambitions for you- just gone up the spout, just gone up the spout like that.” It is palpable through this quote that Laura has not planned the future for herself, instead, her mother has. Tom, Amanda’s son, has a different standpoint on the world. Instead of having his mother control his life, Tom makes every endeavor to escape his family and break free from the realms of his mother. He rarely spends an evening at home and when he is questioned about his whereabouts his only response is he was at the movies. Eventually Amanda catches onto Tom and becomes very agitated by his behavior. On page Amanda says, “Laura says that you hate the apartment and that you go out nights to get away from it! Is that true, Tom?” Amanda’s perfect images of her children are slowly vanishing. For maybe the two are not full of the natural endowments that she once believed.
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By the conclusion of the play Amanda has emerged into a strong and loving woman who shows “dignity and tragic beauty.” She no longer lives her life through the past but instead focuses her attention on the future. Amanda’s unwitting strength helps to hold her family together and after all failed attempts, she once and for all accepts her life for what it is and her children for who they are.
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Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in OF MICE AND MEN, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your OF MICE AND MEN paper at affordable prices !
Of Mice and Men
The novel Of Mice and men by John Steinbeck is a short novel made up of six parts and its setting is California of the United States in the 10s, a time of the Great Depression. The action of the whole story takes place within several days and it is focused on a farmhouse by the side of the Salina River in California. The story is about the experience of two working hands, Lennie and George, in a bunkhouse. These two men earn their living in the ranch as labours and they have their devotion to working just because they share their common dream of owning a farm together in their future. It is a pity that Lennie¡¦s killing of Curley¡¦s wife breaks their dream and forces George to kill Lennie with his own hand. The novel is a social novel describing the hard life of the Americans in the west in the 10s. Throughout the story, the author would like to bring out his most explicit theme that we human beings exist and make efforts in life just because we have a dream for our future and once the dream breaks, we lose all our inertia for work.
Of the few characters in the novel, the two most important ones are George and Lennie. It is difficult to identify which one is the protagonist since the two play an equal part in the development of the plot. Lennie has to depend on the intelligent advice from George while George has to rely on the gigantic strength of Lennie. They are so interdependent on each other that they generate an intimate relationship, a relationship that arouses the suspicion of those in the farm. George has a sense of responsibility as he accepts the duty of looking after his retarded partner Lennie. However, Lennie has his own problems, the problem of petting soft things and having no brains. (I should say that) They are both character foils to each other. Physically, George is small and skinny while Lennie is ¡§strong as a horse¡¨ and ¡§as big as a bear¡¨. George, as the author describes, is a small fellow with a ¡§small and quick, dark¡Kand bony nose.¡¨ He describes Lennie as a ¡§huge man, shapeless¡K His arms did not swing at his sides, but hung loosely.¡¨ Mentally, George is smart while Lennie has a child¡¦s mind. George makes the decision for both and has promised Aunt Clara to look after Lennie.
Both characters are static characters as they learn nothing from their experience in the story. I learn much about the two characters through indirect presentation since the author puts a lot of conversations in the novel. In my opinion, the characters of Lennie and George are a little bit exaggerated because it is difficult to find such a pair in real life. At least, there is no such sincerity existing between two persons today. What we find today are characters who can only share mutual benefits in a practical world. As long as a person¡¦s value of being manipulated does not exist, co-operation or friendship evaporates. In the story, there are other minor characters such as the boss¡¦ son Curley and his wife and the ranch helpers like the old man Candy and Crooks.
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The conflicts of man versus man are common in the story. Curley is jealous of the strong and muscular Lennie. The critical conflict comes with Lennie grabbing Curley¡¦s fist and crushing the latter¡¦s hand. The coincidence of killing Candy¡¦s old dog from behind foreshadows the killing of Lennie by George from behind. The loneliness of Curley¡¦s wife encourages her to come into close contact with Lennie, thus meeting her death. George¡¦s advice to Lennie on hiding near the Salina River foreshadows Lennie¡¦s hiding after he has killed Curley¡¦s wife. These coincidences , when weaved together, give the story a sense of coherence and smooth plot development. The author¡¦s purposes in writing the novel are twofold. First , he wants to reveal that human beings need mutual trust and companionship. Secondly, human beings need a dream to survive.
Curley and his wife lack companionship because they do not trust each other. On the other hand, the author shows that mutual trust and communication enable George and Lennie to take care of each other. In order to survive, George and Lennie are given the hope of owning a farm of their own by the author. Such a dream allows the two to work hard in the ranch and support their life spiritually. On the other hand, Curley¡¦s wife loses her dream of being a Hollywood star after her marriage, thus making her life empty and meaningless.
The novel is mainly told in the form of a dialogue and I look upon it as a play-novel. However, there are some instances when the writer enters the mind of all the characters and see through their thoughts and actions. Thus (I may also say that) the novel is written in the omniscient point of view. The author has the ability to pay attention in describing details. I do appreciate his detailed description of the bunk house and the surroundings in the Salina River. ¡§The bunk house was a long, rectangular building. Inside, the walls were whitewashed and the floor unpainted. In three walls there were small, square windows, and in the fourth, a solid door with a wooden latch.¡¨ (1) He is also able to pour emotions into the dialogue from which the readers can feel the inner feelings of the characters. ¡§Let¡¦s have different color rabbits, George.¡¨ ¡§Sure we will,¡¨ George said sleepily. ¡§Red and blue and green rabbits, Lennie. Millions of ¡¥em.¡¨(17) The conversation reveals Lennie¡¦s wishes and George¡¦s impatience and sleepiness. In using the lot of informal grammar and content , the author deliberately tries to make the readers feel that we are enjoying the conversations of the lower-class people in the 10s.
I like the novel because I learn much from reading it. Apart from understanding the background of Steinbeck¡¦s time in the 10s, I also know that the stronger ones are not always clever while the physically weaker ones may be those who manipulate others through their intelligence. I also find that loneliness is a horrible thing on Earth and therefore we need companionship and communication. Moreover, we also need a dream to enrich our life and future. Finally, I learn that racial discrimination is wrong because it is unfair to the black people. The novel has a universal appeal although it is set in the 10s. We accept that we need communication and understanding and a dream for survival. The ending gives me surprises because George not only fails to materialize the dream of owning a farm with Lennie but also has to kill Lennie with his own hand. From another angle, the novel is a tragedy since there are the death of Curley¡¦s wife, the killing of Lennie by George and the breaking up of friendship between George and Lennie.
I shower pity on Curley¡¦s wife because she is the loneliest character in the novel. Moreover, the killing of Candy¡¦s old dog leaves Candy without a companion. I came across another novel called The Grapes of Wrath by the same author some years ago. There is a similar setting like that of Of Mice and Men and it also has a tragic ending when those migrating from the east fail to find a hand-to-mouth living in the west despite the so-called prosperity in the west. Although it is miserable for me to accept the tragic ending in Of Mice and Men, the story successfully leaves a deep impression in my mind. The characters and its themes do stimulate my thinking and give me a new perspective of human relationship and companionship. Seldom do I get a book so worthy of reading. I have got a lot in terms of knowledge, human experience and entertainment through reading the novel. In short, I would give the novel Of Mice and Men a rating of out of 10 when I recommend it to students in Grades 11 and 1.
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Moby Dick Biblical
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Authors throughout history have used the biblical accounts to enhance their own story. Herman Melville’s classic American novel Moby Dick is no exception. In Moby Dick, Melville uses innumerable biblical allusions, but readers can observe this literary technique best in the naming of his characters. The use of the Bible in literature is a powerful tool for an author; it allows him to place his characters and plot within an immortal context. Each character lives for a finite amount of time, but given a biblical name he will live forever in scripture. Also, the authors comparison of aspects of a novel allows the reader to know something more about the characters, settings, and context without an authors introduction. The reader brings a pre-formed notion to the text from his knowledge of the biblical material. Knowing this adds more poignancy to the frustration that Ahab has over his mission to kill the whale.
In Moby Dick Melville acts as both parent and inventor. As author, he creates the characters and names them. Ishmael begins Moby Dick saying Call me Ishmael. (Melville 1) We do not know if this is his real name but he chooses to identify with the biblical character. It is interesting to consider the name of Ishmael in respect to all the other biblical names of the novel. Ishmael is the only one who chooses his, while Melville determines the others names. This is particularly significant in regard to Ahab. Ishmael is the only one with the power to choose his fate because he is able to choose his name. Ishmael chooses God as his protector when most other people have a parent. Ishmaels survival story is incredible and supports the idea that God was looking out for him since he is the only one to survive. Because God is willing to save Ishmael, Melville is willing to save him as well; Ishmael is the only one to survive.
Ahab is another person all his own, with his own past and biblical reigned as the king of the Israel for years. During his reign he made a pact with Judah. Ishmael and Ahab are given a past beyond their present and given the ability to live forever. The use of Ahab in Moby Dick is very powerful. Throughout the novel, many of the characteristics of Ahab the king are seen in Ahab the captain. The readers recognition with Ahab as the most evil king as well as an idolater supplies important information to the reader before he even begins to read. Melville explicitly wants the reader to be aware of these ideas and in his introduction of Captain Ahab he refers to Ahab as, “a crowned king! (Melville 77) Though Ishmael asks if king Ahab was “a very vile one,” (Melville 77) Peleg later tells him that, “…Captain Ahab did not name himself. Twas a foolish, ignorant whim of his crazy, widowed mother, who dies when he was only a twelvemonth old…wrong not Captain Ahab, because he happens to have a wicked name. (Melville 77-78) This passage clearly shows the multiple significance of the dialogue. Melville strongly points out that we, as readers, should associate the captain with the king. It is interesting, though, that Peleg wants us to recognize the kingship of Ahab, but not what he did as king. What is important to Peleg is the honor and respect demanded by a sovereign, which should be bestowed upon Ahab. Ishmael is the one who reminds the readers what Melville wants to remember of the evil king not his achievements and majesty but his wicked acts and his punishments. The justification given, discrediting the connotations of Ahab as an evil king--that Ahab did not chose his name--is an important point to juxtapose with the naming of Ishmael The readers do not know if this is his true name. Ishmael names himself and consciously identifies with the biblical character. Ahab has no choice in the matter. Melville chooses his name and associated him with the evil king.
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Biblical connections, in literature, serve as a bridge between two worlds. It allows authors to convey ideas that would not be comprehendible any other way. Melville takes advantage of this concept, and draws connections between biblical characters and his own. Readers, with a little biblical knowledge, can convert a complex novel to an understandable one.
Please note that this sample paper on Moby Dick Biblical is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Moby Dick Biblical, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Moby Dick Biblical will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.
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1984 Analysis
Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in 1984 Analysis, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your 1984 Analysis paper at affordable prices !
184 by George Orwell is a novel about a totalitarian government attempting to destroy individuality. This story is Winston Smith’s quest to rebel against those that dictate every part of his life. Winston rebels by finding someone that shared his beliefs, Julia, and falling in love with her. His dreams are shattered when they are discovered and are brainwashed into living only to serve the Party. In the end, Winston loved Big Brother.
Plot Summary
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The novel 184 takes place on Airstrip One, formerly known as England, in the city of London. Airstrip One is a part of a greater politcal body called Oceania, which consists of North America, South Africa, Australia, and England. The nations of Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia are constantly fighting an endless war where no side ever gains an advantage. 184 centers around the life of Winston Smith, an average member of the Outer Party living in London.
184 begins with Winston Smith walking into his home at the Victory Mansions. He is forced to walk up the stairs rather than take the elevator because he knows the electricity will be shut off during the daytime due to the economic drive for Hate Week. Posters of Big Brother are posted on all the walls as he trudges up the stairs in pain because of the vericose ulcer in his ankle. He finally reaches his room and moves to a section of the room where the telescreen can’t see him. The telescreen is a device which broadcasts and receives images and sound and the Thought Police constantly monitor everyone through these devices. He took out a book that he bought in the proletarian section of London.
The book was a diary, and he wrote about the movies he had seen the night before and begans thinking about a dark-haired girl he works with and a man named O’Brien. He wrote about the hate and lust he felt for the girl and also wrote about O’Brien, a member of the Inner Party. He also thought about the Two Minutes Hate, a time when the Party stirs up the hate all loyal Party members feel for the enemy of Oceania. This enemy could be either Eurasia or Eastasia at any given time, because the Party is only at war with one at a time and the war is always changing. During the Two Minutes Hate, he realized he hated Big Brother and saw the same look in O’Brien’s eyes. As he was thinking this, he noticed that he was writing “DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER” all the way down the page in the diary. By doing this he committed the most severe crime, Thoughtcrime. Winston thought to himself, “Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever. You might dodge successfully for a while, even for years, but sooner or later they were bound to get you…You were abolished, annihilated vaporized was the usual word” (Orwell 1-0).
Winston closed the diary and remembered a dream he had where O’Brien told him that they would meet in the place where there is no darkness. He fell asleep and dreamt of the Golden Country, where he saw the dark-haired girl take off her clothes and in doing so, seemed to sweep aside Big Brother and the Party. He also dreamt of his parents and how he felt responsible for their deaths. He woke up and began doing his daily exercises called Physical Jerks. He thought about his childhood but can’t remember much because no records were taken and the ones taken are inaccurate. He also thinks about the war with Eurasia, the war that suppossedly had always been against Eurasia. He vaguely remembers a time when Oceania was at war with Eastasia. He also remembers that Big Brother was not around before the 160s, but records say he has been in power since the 0s.
Winston went to work at the Ministry of Truth, the department in charge of creating propaganda, destroying obsolete recrods, and changing “inaccurate” data. He rewrites the story of a deceased soldier and then has lunch with a man named Syme. Syme is working on the Newspeak dictionary which will eventually change the language so that Thoughtcrime is impossible. Winston believes that Syme will be vaporized due to his intelligence, and later in the book Syme is vaporized.
That night he goes home and writes an entry in his diary about his last sexual experience. The Party condemns sex for pleasure and will only allow marriages if there is no possibility of love. Winston and his wife Katherine were one of these couples, and they would only have sex because, as Katherine put it, they had to “make babies” or because it was “their duty to the Party” (58). When they didn’t have children, they both went their separate ways. He wrote about his last sexual experience because, if done for reasons other the Party gave, sex was an act of rebellion. The Party is aiming to control people not only physically, but mentally. Here Winston says a line that is brought up towards the end of the book. He said “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows” (6).
Soon after this Winston thinks about revolution and realizes that it can only be done if the proles (proletariat) participate. The mysterious Brotherhood could not do it themselves because they are too few in number, but the proles could care less about revolting and they lack the will to do so. He goes to the prole district of London and enters Mr. Charringtons shop, where he bought the diary. He views his shop as a link to the past before the Revolution. He buys a paperweight and Mr. Charrington leads him upstairs. He sees a picture of St. Clement’s church and remembers part of a rhyme. He sees the dark-haired girl following him on his way home and he wants to kill her with the paperweight because he thinks she is a spy.
The next day at MiniTrue Winston was working in his cubicle when the dark-haired girl walked toward him. She tripped, fell, and cried out in pain. When Winston goes to help her up, she gives him a note. He waits until no telescreens or people can see him to read the note. He unfolded the note and read the words “I love you.” Winston waited a week before seeing her again, where he and Julia made plans to see each other again alone. He follows her directions and she sneaks up behind him. They go to a place where they cannot be observed and she says her name is Julia, and that she is attracted to him because she knows he is against the Party. She takes off her Party overalls, much like the girl in the dream at the beginning of the book, and Winston and Julia proceed to have sex. She tells him she has done this dozens of times with other men, and this makes Winston love her even more. The fact that she has rebelled against the Party in this way without being caught gives him hope.
They plan to meet again, and Winston rents the room above Charrington’s shop for the occasion. They were unable to see each other for a long period of time due to preparations for Hate Week. They both did volunteer work to create an illusion that they were both faithful Party members. Winston hears the news the Syme has been vaporized and made an “unperson”, just as Winston predicted. Julia and Winston have a discussion about the Brotherhood and that Julia believes that it is not real and either is the war. She believes that the Party made them and that the Brotherhood could not survive if it were real.
Winston finally gets a chance to speak to O’Brien at the MiniTrue. He makes a reference to Syme, which is a small act of Thoughtcrime because he is an unperson, and tells Winston to go to his flat to see the latest Newspeak dictionary. This leads Winston to believe that O’Brien is a member of the Brotherhood. Julia and Winston go to O’Brien’s flat where he turns off the telescreen. Normally they cannot be turned off. Winston tells O’Brien that they are against the Party and they make a toast to Goldstein, the rebel leader. O’Brien tells them that they will receive a copy of “the book”. Several days pass and Winston is busy at work because he has to change the records to say that they have always been at war with Eastasia, not Eurasia. Winston finally receives a copy of the book and he and Julia read it at Charrington’s. The book outlines how the world now works and what the Party does. They fall asleep together and awake the next morning. They are talking when a voice comes from behind the picture of St. Clements. The picture falls and reveals a telescreen, and Charrington comes up and arrests them, as Charrington was a member of the Thought Police.
Winston finds himself in a cell surrounded by four telescreens. Whenever he made a noise or moved, a voice from the telescreen would yell at him. O’Brien enters the cell and Winston believes that they got him too, but he tells Winston that they got him long ago. A guard knocks Winston out and he wakes up in a bed with O’Brien standing over him. He finds out that O’Brien is there to torture him and to teach doublethink to Winston. Doublethink is a manipulation of the mind so that people will believe contradictions. O’Brien holds up four fingers and turns a dial that increases pain until Winston believes that there are five fingers. O’Brien tells Winston that he is the last humanist and defender of the “human spirit” and lets him look in a mirror. Winston looks at his reflection to see his emaciated and battered body. He realizes that by resisting the Party, this is what he is defending. During his torture, he submits to the Party about many things but always remains loyal to Julia. They feed him and let him bathe and he soon is very healthy again.
The last phase of his “healing” begins, and that is acceptance. He is finally brought to Room 101. This room is different for every person because it exploits the person’s greatest fear. In this case, Winston is afraid of rats. A cage of rats is strapped to his face and O’Brien will not remove it until Winston begs him to torture Julia instead. He finally betrayed Julia. Soon after he is at the Chestnut Tree Caf� drinking Victory Gin and remembering his childhood. He believes these to be false memories though. He sees Julia on the streets and they admit that they betrayed each other. Winston finally realized that, Orwell said in the final sentence of the novel, “He loved Big Brother (45).
The beginning of 184 takes place in what is believed to be April of 184. No one is sure about the date anymore though. Winston thought this was the year because “It must be around this date, since he was fairly sure that his age was thirty-nine, and he believed that he had been born in 144 or 145; but it was never possible nowadays to pin down any date within a year or two” (10). As previousy mentioned, the story takes place in London on Airstrip One in the country of Oceania, which is one of three countries constantly at war.
Ever since the rise of Ingsoc (English Socialism) in Oceania, Death-worship or Obliteration of the Self in Eastasia, and Neo-Bolshevism in Eurasia, the world has constantly been at war. This is evident as Winston makes note of the rocket-bombs constantly falling on London and as he hears about the new Floating Fortresses being deployed in the seas. All three countries share the same principles, but this also means that they must be in a constant state of war. War and hate are they only ways to keep the people of the country totally loyal.
The setting of the novel are essential to the story. The environment of the story is what makes the novel so compelling and realistic. The idea of a totalitarian government where people lived in fear of the Thought Police would not be as realistic if all the people were happy with their lives and the government did not oppress its citizens. Instead, Orwell created a place that most people know about, London, and made it a dystopia. Everywhere you were, a telescreen is watching every move you make and listening to every word you speak. Posters of Big Brother” are everywhere as a constant reminder that he is watching you. Parents fear their own children because the government has brainwashed them into turning in any thought-criminals and congratulate them for turning in their own parents. Without a setting such as the one Orwell provides, the novel would not be nearly as realistic and frightening as it is.
Main Character
The main character in 184 is Winston Smith, an average member of the Outer Party who, unlike most people, realizes the faults of the Party. His whole life he worked as a slave to the Party and in a single moment he committed thoughtcrime. From that point forward, his life is run by love, freedom, and fear.
The main relationship in this novel is between Julia and Winston. This love is discovered when Julia passes a note to him that says “I love you” on it. Before this, he wanted to kill her, saying “He hated her because she was young and pretty and sexless, because he wanted to go to bed with her and would never do so…” (16). This was only a façade on her part, however, and supposedly has actually slept with dozens of Party members. As their relationship develops, Winston and Julia also have sex, which is the ultimate form of rebellion against Big Brother. Fear begins to set in on Winston, as he fears that they are both basically dead from this point on. Julia differs in this belief, however, and believes they should live their lives to the fullest until they are caught.
The only hatred Winston has is directed toward Big Brother. At the beginning of the novel, he writes “DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER” in his diary despite it being thoughtcrime. He hates Big Brother for destroying humanity and everything else the Party has done. At the end of the book, Winston feels that he is the defender of humanity. Strangely enough, he shows no hate to O’Brien, the man that tortured him. Winston has always silently admired him, first as being the man who brought him into the Brotherhood, and secondly as the man who taught him what was right and what was wrong according to Big Brother.
Winston can be best described as a very insecure person. He is always worried that the Thought Police will come and get him, but this is for obvious reasons. He considers himself a deadman weeks or months before he is caught. He is not even sure if two plus two equals four, as he shows at the end of the novel. When Julia is in the prole district, he thinks about killing her because he fears she is a spy. He only feels secure at the end of the novel when he loves Big Brother.
The Party has absolute control over all of its citizens, controlling not only their actions but their minds as well. In children, this is done by teaching them the ways of Ingsoc as soon as they are able to understand it and by having them join groups like the Junior Anti-Sex League and the Spies. With adults, they allow them to work at the community center to organize events such as Hate Week. Sometimes though, this is not enough. The Party will then employ tactics of fear to push unloyal citizens into submission. Fear causes people to shirk away from what they believe in order to please those who control them.
Fear is a recurring topic that is first mentioned at the beginning of the book. When Winston bought the diary and opened it at his flat, Orwell said that “He had carried it guiltily home in his brief case. Even with nothing written in it, it was a compormising possesstion” (). Just by buying the diary, he felt guilty. Nothing had been written in it as of yet. Just by opening it, “…it was reasonably certain that it would be punished by death…” (). He did not feel too much fear yet, but Winston panicked after he wrote “DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER” all the way down the diary page. He had committed thoughtcrime, not just by writing that but because he was thinking it subconsciously. Winston began to think about the Thought Police and all the rumors about them. The rumors said that they came at night and took you away and eventually you were vaporized.
Soon after his first panic attack about the Thought Police came an incident of the use of fear regarding children. In the world of 184, a parent’s worst enemy is his or her own child. Winston had gone to help Mrs. Parsons with her sink drain when her children went out of control. They had been inside all day and wanted to see the hangings of Eurasian prisoners in Victory Square. The children were members of the Spies and the son had said to Winston “You’re a traitor! You’re a thought-criminal! You’re a Eurasian spy! I’ll shoot you, I’ll vaporize you, I’ll send you to the salt mines!” (). This behavior was typical of children now, who seemed to be rebellious in every manner except that they had complete loyality to the Party. As Winston left Mrs. Parsons’ apartment and went back to his flat he thought “It was almost normal for people over thirty to be frightened of their own children” (4). The Party had shifted the love that children should have for their parents to love for the Party and only the Party. The Party used this love to instill fear into possible thought-criminals and make them serve the Party or suffer a horrible fate.
Later in the novel, Winston fears that the Thought Police will catch him and Julia and he tells her that “We are the dead…Not physically. Six months, a year�five years, conceivably. I am afraid of death” (11). Also, he thought of renting Mr. Charrington’s room as if they were “…intentionally stepping nearer to their graves. As he sat waiting on the edge of the bed he thought again of the cellars of the Minsitry of Love” (116). Winston is very aware that his actions will get him killed, and rather than accepting this, he fears it. He still remains loyal to Julia, however, and still covertly works against the Party. This all ends after he is caught and finally submits to the Party in Room 101.
The Party’s ultimate victory over Winston is achieved by exploiting his greatest fear. Winston was horribly afraid of rats, and the Party used this to their advantage. After the Thought Police captured Winston and they made him believe everything the Party said, he still would not betray Julia. However, as the cage of rats grew closer to his face, Winston yelled, “Do it to Julia! Do it to Julia! Not me! Julia! I don’t care what you do to her. Tear her face off, strip her to the bones. Not me! Julia! Not me!” (6). The last flicker of hope for Winston had been lost. He had betrayed Julia because of the fear the Party pushed on him. He betrayed the one thing he believed the Party could not take from him, and by doing so, he finally learned to love Big Brother.
Elements of Meaning
Paradox- “WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH” (7). The war keeps the order, those with freedom do not know how to use it, and ignorance keeps the people unaware of life other than the Party.
Antithesis- “Two and two are four.” “Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometime they are three” (07). Two and two makes four, but the Party makes it five, three, or anything they want it to be.
Personification- “Oranges and lemons, say the bells of St. Clement’s” (85). The bells cannot actually say anything.
Symbol- “Inside it was the book…” (148). The book represents the sense of rebellion that thought-criminals harbor, as the book is itself the ultimate thoughtcrime.
Simile- “The solid, contourless body, like a block of granite, and the rasping red skin, bore the same relation to the ody of a girl as the rose-hip to the rose” (181). This describes the shape of a rather large woman.
Elements of Sound
Consonance- “Here come a chopper to chop off your head” (8). Repetition of the “ch” sound.
“Four! Five! Four!” (06) Repetition of the “f” sound. Also alliteration.
Alliteration-“Swine! Swine! Swine! And suddenly she…” (15). Recurrence of the letter “s”.
Assonance-“When will you pay me? Say the bells of Old Bailey,” (147). Repetition of the hard “e” vowel sound in “me” and “Bailey”.
“Under the spreading chesnut tree I sold you and you sold me There lie they, and here lie we Under the spreading chestnut tree” (66) Repetition of the hard “e”.
Elements of Sentence Structure
Parallel Sentence- “’We are the dead’ echoed Julia dutifully. ‘You are the dead’ said an iron voice behind them” (18). Same sentence, different subject.
Inverted Sentence- “71 Bumstead J! Let fall that piece of bread” (14). Should be “Let that piece of bread fall.”
“When I grow rich, say the bells of Shoreditch” (147). Should be “The bells of Shoreditch say…”
Pace-Breaking Sentence- “…times .1.8 reporting bb dayorder doubleplusungood refs unpersons rewrite fullwise upsub antefilling” (40). Sentence was written in English until this section.
Periodic Sentence- “If you are a man, Winston, you are the last man” () Main point at end of sentence
Thesis Essay
184 chronicles some of the most important events in the life of Winston Smith. The novel starts with his first act of thoughtcrime, buying a diary and denouncing Big Brother, and ends with his ultimate failure by eventually submitting to Big Brother and loving him. In between these two events, however, is Winston’s quest for freedom and what he was willing to do for that freedom. Even if he is not physically able to do what he wants, he still has the ability to think for himself and not believe what the Party says. In 184, George Orwell is saying that freedom is the ability to know what you believe is right.
“Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows” (6). This is the basis of Winston’s thinking at the beginning of the novel. He knows that what the Party tells him is just one big lie. Oceania has not always been at war with Eastasia and allied with Eurasia, and vice versa. The chocolate ration did not increase to twenty grams, it was decreased from thirty to twenty. Big Brother has not existed since the 0s. The Party did not invent the airplane. Winston knows all of these things to be true, and this makes him a free man.
Winston’s main outlet for his freedom is through, and with, Julia. Both have abandoned the principles of the Party and love each other rather than Big Brother. Julia cares for nothing else other than herself and Winston. She has no wish to overthrow the Party or to revolt against it, but only to live her own life. Orwell said about her, “Except where it touched upon her own life she had no interest in Party doctrine…She had never heard of the Brotherhood …Any kind of organized revolt against the Party…struck her as stupid. The clever thing was to break the rules and stay alive all the same” (10). Julia did not like the Party, but she did not want to risk her life to fight against it. She would break the rules she wanted to break and live her life like that. She pretended to be a loyal Party member in order to stay alive.
Winston wanted to be free in a different way. He knew that he would be caught for his thoughtcrimes, but he also believed in open revolution. He believed that O’Brien was a member of the Brotherhood and sought him out for that purpose. When he joined the Brotherhood he said he would “commit murder…commit acts of sabotage which may cause the death of hundreds of innocent people…cheat, to forge, to blackmail…” in order to be free (14). Winston was not content with only being free himself. He actually thought about a prole revolution and how they were the key to overthrowing the Party. The ability to think that two plus two make four is not enough for Winston.
Together, Winston and Julia work together for their own freedom. They began their fight for freedom the first time she wrote “I love you” to him at the Ministry of Truth. Love was something that was not supposed to exist, and to love someone other than Big Brother was thoughtcrime. However, the only love either of them had was for each other. When O’Brien asked if they would be willing to leave each other for the good of the Brotherhood, Winston had yelled out no. Julia was more important to him than the entire resistance movement. Orwell said, “Their embarace had been a battle, the climax a victory. It was a blow struck against the Party. It was a political act” (105). Julia had sex with other men before, supposedly dozens of men, and all of these encounters rebelled against the Party. She was doing this for pleasure, and the Party forbade this. When Winston and Julia had sex, they also did it for love, which made it a complete victory. They showed their love in the most intimate way possible, therefore performing the most rebellious act they could against Big Brother.
Even when Winston is sent to the Ministry of Love, he tries to keep the freedom he fought so hard to have. First O’Brien tries to make Winston see that he is holding up five fingers, when he is really only holding up four. They turn a dial which puts Winston into a great deal of pain, and everytime he says that he sees four fingers, they turn the dial more. Finally, Winston says, “I don’t know. I don’t know. You will kill me if you do that again. Four, five, six�in all honesty I don’t know” (08). This is only the beginning of his loss of freedom. O’Brien convinces Winston that Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, that the three traitors he saw at the Chestnut Tree Caf� were not really there, and that he was holding up five fingers. O’Brien tells him that Big Brother will never die, that the Party exists only to torture people and to draw out their hate and use it, and that the Party is the controller of life. “Humanity is the Party” is what O’Brien told Winston (). All hope that Winston had for humanity was lost, except for the fact that he had never betrayed Julia. That was the one piece of freedom he could still hold on to.
Even O’Briend understood that Winston never betrayed Julia. When O’Brien asked him what degradation had not happened to him yet, Winston told him that he never betrayed Julia. O’Brien’s only response was, “No, no; that is perfectly true. You have not betrayed Julia” (5). Of course, Winston was soon going to betray Julia when he was sent to Room 101. He is not able to deal with the torture of having the rats strapped to his face and begs them to torture Julia instead of him. He had finally betrated Julia.
Orwell raps all of this up with Winston at the Chestnut Tree Caf�. After reading about a Eurasian atttack that could cut Oceania in two, he felt many feelings and emotions coming up that he had not felt in a long time. He then, “Almost unconciously he traced with his finger in the dust on the table + = 5” (). He began thinking that if you can believe that two plus two make four, and in the end he cannot even believe that.
All in all, 184 is the story of a man’s quest for freedom in a society that knows no freedom. While ultimately Winston’s quest for freedom was a failure, he did managed to feel freedom a few times before he became just like every other comrade in the Party. For a short time, he knew what it was like to love another person and be loved back. He also learned what it was like to, even for a couple moments, live without any fear whatsoever. Although he ended up losing his freedom, the freedom he had is something that cannot be forgetten by those who read about Winston Smith.
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