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Betsy Coniglio 1
By Wilfred Owen
Taking in what we have already read throughout Intro to Poetry, I believe “Dulce et Decorum Est” by Wilfred Owen had the biggest influence on my first paper. Its relation between realism and surrealism had a deep effect on me, and the painful visual representations reinstated my belief that war is not the way to handle things, though inevitable because of our male authorities and violent history. Wilfred’s almost movie-like imagery is overwhelming and depressing.
Help with essay on Dulce et Decorum
I should first start off by saying that I am anti-war and pretty unpatriotic. In fact, I think that our government is totally corrupt, and as I read the newspaper everyday I am reminded of it over and over again. I’m sure that in the early 100’s many people felt the same way, especially since they were forced into war. Although I believe that this country is great place to live, a “land of opportunity”, it is not at the same time. Greed and power takes over, and our lack of peaceful communications with other countries and obvious, basic priorities are all screwed up; “All went lame; all blind; Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to
the hoots of tired, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind” (lines 6-). War is just not the answer and Wilfred had no problem giving his opinion about it at the end. He probably received a lot of criticism from America for that one-THE LIE. Dulce et Decorum Est shows us what soldiers must go through, watching friends die, or dying themselves, and it shows me that nothing can be helped (not to say accomplished) by war. This poem, although written in 10, can still tell us that war is not justifiable and that the horrible pain that death brings makes us ask ourselves “why is it sweet and fitting to die for one’s country?”
The visual image that Dulce et Decorum Est presents, “His hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin” (line ), or “…..we flung him in, And watch the white eyes withering in his face,.....if you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs” (lines 18-1 is rather descriptive, especially in the 10’s when people were reading it. I can imagine that back then few but the soldiers knew the realism that war brought to them, its traumatizing experiences and goory details. The reason I say this is that for example women were always being protected and left in the dark on such subjects because it was a male’s business and didn’t seem politically correct.
If it werent for poems like this, or pictures, no one would know what went on out there. Truth is the only way to be aware, and this is
just what Owen’s poem did for them as it does for us. Its openly detailed images probably freaked quite a few people out and I’m sure he was criticized for his belief on the old lie. “My friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory the old lie Dulce et decorum est pro Patria mori (lines 5-8). The horrible human destruction and traumatizing effect it had on the author and his readers’ makes you think about the trials of war and if any of it is even worth it.
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