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Australia Gun Control
Australia Gun Control Law Passed in 17, that people were forced to surrender their firearms. Well that is the registered population, if they didn’t surrender them the law enforcers came and collected them.
Over 640,000 thousand firearms destroyed.
Total of 640,81 destroyed
Cheap Custom Essays on australia Gun Control
So what this did was take the guns from the law abiding citizens and the outlaws or criminals that were not registered continued to carry them.
In just a few months crimes started to increase.
After just one years time with the banning of firearms, crime increased drastically;
• . % Homicides
• 8.6% Assaults
• 44% Armed robberies
• 00% Hot burglaries, this is where the intruders come in while you are at home and they know that you are home.
Why, because the criminals new that the homeowners and stores could not protect themselves so they had all the control. Now they are guaranteed that their prey is not armed.
People want to protect their families and their possessions. So the Australian Law enforcement suggested the citizens to have a fortified room in their houses, so that when a burglar enters the home, they can lock themselves away in this safe room, while their house is being burglarized!
Guns in the hands of honest citizens is not the problem, it actually saves lives and property. Gun control laws only affect the law abiding citizens, and fuel the criminals. Preventing the citizens from owning firearms for self defense does not end violent crime-it just makes victims more vulnerable! Society benefits from ordinary people who accept the responsibilities of firearm ownership.
So take note, this can happen in the USA too.
Do something before it is too late!!
Protect your rights!!
More guns less crime….
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