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Do you know where creed is originally from? Or where Brad Johnson from the tampa bay buccanoeers and Ricky Carmicheal the perfessinal motor cyclist lives? This towns football team had also won national championships. I bet you have no idea what it could be, so I’ll go ahead and tell you. It’s the wonderful city of Tampa, florida. Good afternoon my name is Nicole and Tampa is also my hometown. ON may 15 185 I was born in the Tampa community hospital, to the parents of Tim and Sarah Peckok. My parents weren’t expecting to have anymore kids sense when I was born my two older brothers were 14 and 10.. I have two older brothers that are now 5 and 8. so yes I am the baby girl of the family. many exciting things have happened from may 185 till now in 00. lets begin with one of my first memories with my cousin sarah. I was 6 months old and she was a year and a half. We were vacationing on California and for some reason sarah got mad at me, and decided to push me down a flight of stairs. Our parents were at the end of the stairwell and here they say little stephy tumbling down the stairs. Everyone was freaking out and there little sarah at the top of the stairs with a inicent look on her face as if nothing had happen at all. What a great way to start off my childhood years. When I was three years old I started gymnastics. I always loved to do forward rolls but till this day I can never do a handstand or cartwheel. I only took gymnastics for a couple years till I was 6. and then at the age of 5 my mom signed my up for ballet lessons. I absolutely dispised ballet, but my mom thought it would be good for me. It seemed like everyday all they would tell me was ‘tap tap tap, pleay pleay’ my ballet years didn’t last to long only for about a year. When I was in kindergarden I joined the girlscouts, at WT Moore. I really enjoyed girl scouts, but only stayed in it for a year., because I got transferred to Gilchrist Elem entery school, where I stayed till 5th grade. I loved gilchrist, especially all the field trips we went on. My favorite one was when we went to Eptcot. It was very educational, but fun at the same time. When I was 11 I started the 6th grade at Jefferson Middle School. I loved Jefferson, and would go back anyday, but I hated the dresscode. Not only could we not wear spegetti spraps but we had to tuck in our shirts and wear a belt everyday! Never the less raa was awesome. In my 6th grade year I was invited to be a student ambassador for a program called People to People. Myself along with 40 other ambassadors from across the united states traveled to Australia and New Zealand. We went scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef, saw a wide variety of animals, stayed in native habitats, saw the Sydney Opera House, went whale watching, went to school with the local kids, and many many more exciting things. It was a wonderful experience, and I hope to go back sometime in my life. Not many people can say they’ve been to Australia and Newzealand before they were 1. Not only did I go to Australia and New Zealand with the People to People organization but when I was in 7th grade I went to Washington D.C. I was a florida representative. It seemed like we visited, and learned everything there was to know about our nations capital, Washington dc. Well that’s enough about my past heres a little bit about me. A lot of our weekends are spent at our boat. We had a 40 ft. Luhrs, and a waverunner. We keep our boat at Carrabelle, but we take it to panama city and destin a lot. I loved to be at the beach, the boat, waverunning, and anything to the with the water. I also enjoy playing softball and tennis. I have played both sense I was very young. In softball my main positions were rd base and pitching. I have grown up around baseball because my brother played all the way through high school, and till this day my dad is still a baseball coach in a league called Babe Ruth. The day I was released from the hospital I was brought out to the baseball field to watch one of my brothers games. I Still play a lot of tennis, but mainly softball. My #1 favorite thing to do is go shopping!! Especially for shoes. I lhave over 5 pairs of shoes. My mom and I have gone to Atlanta, south florida, and many more places to shop. In my other spare time I have a pretty regular teenage life. I spend most of my time afterschool on the phone or hanging out with friends. I have only touched the main points in my life and there is still many stories and adventures to tell!
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