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The Scopes “Monkey” Trial (called the monkey trial because the trial has to do with Darwins theory of evolution regarding primates or monkeys) started when a schoolteacher, John Scopes, was put on trial for teaching Darwin’s theory of evolution in a classroom. A few months before the trial the Tennessee governor signed the Butler Bill outlawing the teaching of “anything that denies the story of divine creation of man and teaches instead that man has descended from a lower order of animals.” This bill set the stage for one of the most famous and controversial trials in American history.
The Scopes Trial had its beginning in the back of Fred Robinsons drug store in Dayton Tennessee, May 5, 15. George Rappalyea, local coal company manager , came to the drug store with a copy of the ACLU (American Civil liberties Union) announcement that was willing to offer its services to anyone willing to challenge the anti-evolution law. Rappalyea, Walter White (School Superintendent), and a few others thought a controversial trial might help the small town of Dayton which had been struggling at the time. The men called upon John Scopes, who admitted he was teaching the theory of evolution and convinced John to stand for a test case.
July 10, 15, was the first day of trial led by Judge John T. Raulsten. The prosecuting attorneys were made of three key figures William Jennings Bryan, Ben G. McKenzie, and A. Thomas Stewart. The prosecution was lead by Bryan who was a strong supporter of the anti-evolution law. The Defense attorneys had a team of four made up of Clarence Darrow, Arthur Garfield Hays, Dudley Field Malone, and John Randolph Neal. The defense was lead by Darrow who at the time was one of the most famous defense attorneys in America The trial went on for 15 days ( July 10 -5). In closing arguments Darrow asked the jury to return a guilty verdict (so he could appeal to the Supreme Court of Tennessee). After nine minutes of deliberation the jury returned with a guilty verdict and the judge imposed a fine of one hundred dollars. Five days after the trial Bryan, still in Tennessee, was taking a nap when he died in his sleep.
One year later the Tennessee Supreme Court reversed the decision on a technicality. The Supreme Court says that the fine should have been set by the jury not the judge. Rather than sending the case back to trial the Supreme Court dismissed the case saying, “Nothing is to be gained by prolonging the life of this bizarre case”
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The trial left us with questions like, is evolution a theory or scientific fact? And is creationism a valid science? Today we are still faced with the same problems. A recent issue dubbed “ A Scopes Trial in reverse” has Dr. Dean H. Kenyon at San Francisco State University on trial. Dr. Dean Kenyon quoted from a Gallop poll survey on the origin beliefs of American people and erected a straw man presentation of standard evolutionary thought. He was put on trial for teaching this in his class room. Today this issue remains very controversial and makes one wonder if the classroom is the place for such discussions.
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