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There are many different mockingbirds in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird. Early on in the novel, Aticus tells his children to “shoot all the blue jays that you want, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird”. He says this because mockingbirds are known to be harmless creatures that do nothing but sing joyously. This mockingbird imagery can be used to describe many characters in the novel who are all kind, innocent people who have done nothing wrong but are destroyed by the society around them. Three of these mockingbirds are Dill, Boo and Tom Robinson.
Although Dill is not that significant a character, he is very much a “mockingbird”. He is an outcast and a victim in many ways, and his creativity and imagination are not very well understood and appreciated. Dill lives in a kind of prison at home, where there is no father figure. He is sent away during the summer because his mother works and can’t look out for him. Since he doesn’t get enough attention at home, he seeks attention elsewhere. For this reason, he often stretches the truth and lies to seem more important. The only people who don’t kill the best of Dill are the Finches. Dill has never harmed anything in his life, and is a very compassionate person because he knows how it feels to be hurt.
A second “mockingbird” in this novel is Boo Radley. At the beginning of the story, Boo is a strange and mysterious person to the children. Because he is unknown and not very well understood, they suppose that he is a monster, as many other citizens of Maycomb country do. They make up unfair stories and accusations about him. As the story progresses, we learn that he is a kind man who acts as a type of father figure to the children. He does not voluntarily stay locked up in his house, but is kept there almost as a prisoner by Nathan Radley. At the end of the story, Boo shows that he is very brave by saving the children’s lives by killing Bob Ewell. It decided that nobody would tell about this murder because if they did it would be “like killing a mockingbird” because he is so shy and reclusive.
The character of Tom Robinson is that of yet another unjustly treated “mockingbird”. The title of the novel refers most specifically to his character. Tom is an innocent man, who is “killed” only because he is black. He has been accused of raping a white woman, in a town full of prejudice and hatred towards Negroes. He felt compelled to help her with her chores, and when she approached him, he decided to run instead of pushing her away. This shows his gentile, sympathetic nature and that he is a true “mockingbird”. No one else, though, can look past the colour of his skin, and when he is accused of the offense and sent to a prison camp, he attempts to escape and is shot. Mr. Underwood compares his death to “the senseless slaughter of songbirds by hunters and children”. This again relates to the mockingbird theme.
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Dill, Boo and Tom Robinson are all misunderstood by the people of Maycomb. They are all innocent songbirds who have different lifestyles than the others in their community, and since others don’t know them for who they truly are, they are unjustly treated. Had the people of Maycomb taken the time to get to know and understand these individuals better, they might not have had to “kill” any “mockingbirds”.
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