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In the novel “The Things They Carried” the stories highlight acts of cowardice, not acts of courage. Men went into the war for all the wrong reasons. They went because they feared ridicule, they joined because their friends joined, they did it to not dishonour their country, their people, their families, they were afraid to lose the respect of everyone around them.
In the chapter “The Things They Carried” O’Brien explains about an inner softness that all the soldiers carried. “They used a hard vocabulary to contain the terrible softness… and because they called it by other names, as if to encyst and destroy the reality of death itself… They carried the common secrets of cowardice barely restrained, the instinct to run or freeze or hide… They carried the soldiers greatest fear, which was the fear of blushing. Men killed and died because they were embarrassed not to… They died so as not to die of embarrassment.” The soldiers were afraid to show their true emotions, profanity and crude jokes eased the pain of reality. Men are the less expressive sex. They are less likely to show how they really feel, especially in emotionally disturbing situations and events. They attempt to look macho.
The chapter “In The Field” is a further compliment to this, another chunk of evidence. This chapter takes places the morning after Kiowa’s death. The soldiers searched for him using their feet, they also searched for someone to blame. Sanders blamed Lieutenant Jimmy Cross for leading them into the field full of sewage. Azar, trying to be macho, made jokes about Kiowa’s death. The Lieutenant blamed himself for what happened.
The soldiers always tried to find someone to blame, but it could be many things, “You could blame the war. You could blame the idiots who made the war. You could blame Kiowa for going to it. You could blame the rain. You could blame the river. You could blame the field, the mud, the climate. You could blame people who were too lazy to read a newspaper, who were bored by the daily body counts, who switched channels at the mention of politics. You could blame whole nations. You could blame God. You could blame the munitions makers or Karl Marx or a trick of fate or an old man in Omaha who forgot to vote.” In my opinion, blame is a way of taking attention away from oneself and placing it on someone else, it could be because of guilt, and to find a way to free ourselves of it, it could be embarrassment, it could be shame, we all look for someone to blame. We may know the truth, but our cowardice will make us find a more believeable explanation for it.
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“On the Rainy River” is about O’Brien’s own dilemma concerning participation in the war. This is a story dedicated all to him. Coping with fear and pain was enough for him already, but being stuck at the middle of a crossroad was making him go crazy. He could go to the war like so many others, take the risk of getting blown up, and be praised when he came back, if he was lucky to be alive, or he could stay in his hometown and refuse to go, disregarding the draft board, and be ridiculed and spat at and be insulted. Of course no one wanted to be in that sort of situation, but, then again, the war didn’t leave him much choice, he could go to the war with a constant fear of death, or he could cross the borders of Canada illegally, leave his whole past behind, his friends, family, and escape the duty of war. O’Brien mentioned that he wouldn’t be able to cope with all the mockery he would get if he stayed. At the end of the chapter he admits to giving in and being a coward for going to the war. He would have been brave to stay and believe in himself and his values, he cared to much about other peoples’ opinions, and that is what I believe triggered his reluctant decision to give in and go to the war.
In closing, from what I have gathered after thoroughly reading the book over and over, I have found that the men who feared ridicule didn’t have much choice, only a brave person could stand up to anyone that would mock him and stand for what he believed in. For the men that wanted to fight, in their eyes they were heros, but for the men that felt that they were fighting the wrong war, they were the ones that carried shame, embarrassment, and any other emotion destroying their self-esteem and changing them. War is not a peoples’ battle, it is a government battle, it is pointless, worthless, a waste of time, money, effort, lives, and leaves a beautiful mind to rot in impure thoughts, memories, experiences, and emotions. We all have different views and opinions, and we should be respected for what we believe in, if we were all to think and do the same thing, the world would be a boring place.
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