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Essay- One True Thing Bill Lau
With reference to the literary text your have studied, discuss instances of courage. Based on these instances, how would you define courage?
I have learned the true meaning of courage from a book called ¡¥One True Thing¡¦ by Anna Quindlen, a story of courage of a mother with cancer and her daughter who looks after her and undergoes a suffer transform.
Courage is not only about fighting your enemies in the battlefield, but it is the ability to stand against fear and pain, to protect the one you love and simply to be yourself, as it is just what the daughter have also learned from her odyssey of parental discovery.
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Courage is one of the main theme in the book, and the three main characters in the book is Ellen Gulden the daughter, a strong-willed, independent editorial assistant from New York at the beginning and the heroine of Quindlens novel, Kate Gulden the mother, a homemaker, who actually knows so much about life that surprises her daughter, and George the father, chairman of his university¡¦s literature department and outstanding writer. Instances in the book show the different reactions of these characters, and we will understand so well about the meaning of courage at the end of the book.
Kate is the most courageous person in the book. Putting love and family in the first place, she finds herself talking, expressing feeling and even crying more freely in front of the nurse, instead of her own daughter. She does not tell Ellen that she had trouble getting in and out of the bath. She knows she will become more and more invalid. However, the fact could not break her down. She is still helping everyone around, including her daughter. She acts as a link to her inside world and tries to save Ellen from being like her father.
Wheelchair and morphine both get into her life as symbols of disable and pain. But she does not fear much of the morphine, but the wheelchair. It is because sitting in a wheel would mean not able to look after people around. She has been suffering so much, but she keeps her mouth silence and does not want her family to be upset. She is so considerate that she still puts her family in the first place. This shows that she has great ability to stand against pain, to keep being her own and to love others.
Holding the family together, Kate has the courage to accept her husband having an affair outside. Many people would have been broken down and lost their mind by only knowing that. However, she can still love her husband and manage to keep the family together¡¨ he¡¦s not person you used to think he was, but he¡¦s your life.¡¨
But the last night before Kate¡¦s death, her terrible pain has defeated her. She told Ellen that she wanted ¡§no more¡¨ and suggested Ellen to help ending her pain. We can know the pain she is undergoing is so great that even a person so brave was broken down. This only increases my respect to her, but not disdain. Having a wife so brave, George Gulden seems much smaller in the story.
Facing his wife¡¦s illness, George acts cowardly from the beginning till the end. Being the closest person of Kate¡¦s, George should notice something wrong with his wife. Why didn¡¦t he bring her to the doctor? He is so scared of changing his life. He needs her wife to keep his life smooth. It is just like he needs Ellen to keep it afterwards.
He has totally no courage. He always runs away. He ran away when he hit a deer on the road. He runs away when her wife has cancer. He never helps or does anything. He does not willing to take leave to look after her sick wife, though Kate wanting him when dying. He does not dare to face up to and deal with her wife¡¦s illness, leaving all pressure on Ellen. He does not dare to end the pain of the deer, nor her wife¡¦s. He does not dare to rescue her daughter in jail. He does not dare to do anything, except running away.
Being the daughter of George, Ellen shows courage that her father lacks, although she does not have a good start. At first, she is not willing to look after her mother, and she just feels that she has to follow what her father wants her to do. However, soon after that, she has the courage to stand against her father who has given her an image as a perfect man in her childhood. She blames George directly about his coward and irresponsibility. She has the courage to say what she thinks towards everyone, including George and Jon, her boyfriend at the beginning of the story. For example, she has given her strong opinion on mans not dealing with bad things in Sammy¡¦s Bar towards Jon. She also blames George directly in the steakhouse.
Ellen is the only one who walks though the whole journey, the most important moments with Kate, when she is so ill and dying. Seeing her mother in such a terrible pain, she does not breakdown and faces up to it with courage. For many times, she sees her mother being so weak in front of her. For many times, she is under great pressure. But she never leaves and gives up. She still stays with her mother strongly.
After Kate¡¦s death, a fatal amount of morphine is found in the autopsy. Ellen is arrested and charged of killing her mother. She shows courage defending herself without a lawyer. She knows herself being right, and then she does not fear of what other people think. She does not have a single moment of fear throughout the whole trial. Although she knows her answers given in court would get her into trouble, she shows no fear answering it ¡§BE JUST, AND FEAR NOT¡¨.
In the story, both Kate and Ellen share the similarity of being able to stand against fear, pain and pressure. They can protect their loved ones and hold their will till the end. I have learned a lot from the book that it reminds me and enables me to understand more about the true meaning of courage.
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