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A Midsummer Nights Dream is a story with a mix of emotions. Love, hate, jealousy, fear. But humor was one emotion which was developed through many characters. In this essay I’m going to explain how humor, and through whom humor is developed.
The character of Bottom is one source of humor. During the rehearsing of their play in the book/play, Robin turns Bottom into an ass. It’s funny because throughout the play, he neighs and makes ass-like noises. Plus he looks really funny with big-ass-ears. The fact that Titania wants him so bad is also funny, yet disgusting at the same time.
Humor is also developed through Hermia. Her neediness in the beginning made me laugh. The way she looked so desperate for Lysander’s love. And when she followed him he straight-up ignored her. It’s also funny when after Lysander starts to love Hermia back, she thinks it’s a joke and runs from him. Then, when Demetrieus loves her too, the whole situation of a love triangle is funny.
Robin and his love-juice is another humorous situation. How Oberon told Robin to put it in one person’s eyes, but messes up and puts it in another is pretty funny. It causes such commotion and confusion. Robin’s character in general is a funny character. His sense of humor, the way he talks, the things he does, like ride around on Demetrieus’s bicycle. Things he says are also funny, such as this;
Help with essay on A Midsummer Nights Dream essay on How Humor is developed
“Lord, what fools these mortals be!”
And when he’s explaining who he is to the faerie…
“ Thou speakest aright.
I am that merry wanderer of the night.
I jest to Oberon and make him smile.
When I a fat and bean fed horse beguile,
Neighing in likeness of a filly foal.
And sometime I lurk in a gossip’s bowl…” (Page 7)
Robin’s character made me laugh.
So, it’s obivious that there is humor in this novel. It’s also obvious that it’s developed through many different characters, more than the ones I spoke of. Whether its through Bottom becoming an ass, Hermia’s neediness and love for Lysander (and in the beginning, Lysander’s hate for Hermia), or Robin and Oberon’s love-juice. Humor in a Midsummer Night’s dream is developed many-a ways.
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