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I like my car! What began as a dream, turned into a series of frustrating events. Looking back, I not only have a valued possession, but I also gained some mechanical skills and a few life lessons along the way� patience and persistence.
At thirteen years of age, my dream was to own a Mustang fastback. After spending two frustrating years looking at dozens of cars that were either too expensive or too rusted out, another possibility caught my attention � a 168 Barracuda fastback. There were many aspects of the car that appealed to me. I particularly liked the sleek fastback roofline that gave it an aggressive, predatory appearance. Another key selling point was that the back bench seat folded down, providing over eight feet of space for storage purposes � enough to transport my drums! Other than the horrible fuel economy, even with the small stock engine, the car was fairly practical.
Now that I had acquired the car, the job was to restore it. This process wasn’t an easy task �scraped knuckles and cuts were common occurrences. Originally looking for a small project to work on once in awhile, I had no idea what I was in for. When you own a car that is 5 years old, everything, absolutely everything, needs to be rebuilt or replaced. At one point the car was sitting in the garage completely stripped down, the doors, hood, trunk, interior, and wheels were all removed, it was quite a discouraging site. Some of the modifications and mechanical parts that were rebuilt and installed over the past few years are as follows a whole new front end assembly (so that disk brakes could be used), power steering, differential rebuild, racing axles, high performance transmission rebuild that was modified to shift at 6000 rpm, new torque converter with a 00 rpm stall, and a complete engine rebuild on a highly cammed small block 60. The car also needed a new paint job and upholstery repair. Even with these jobs accomplished, problems persisted. The dream was beginning to become a nightmare!
Sometimes in life unfortunate things happen that discourage us, but being persistent is an important attribute to learn. For instance, one day while driving back from school I heard a strange clicking noise coming from the engine compartment. I immediately began to investigate when I got home, but was unable to determine the problem. After taking the car to a professional, I learned that one of the lifters in the engine was faulty. This inexpensive part that had failed, caused a chain reaction, destroying the cam and spreading metal fragments throughout the motor. The result was that I had to remove the engine and have it rebuilt once again. The thousands of dollars invested into the motor, not to mention the hours of work to make the money to have the motor rebuilt in the first place, were all in vain. In addition, on more than one occasion there were problems with the car’s wiring. This lead to countless hours of consulting the car manual and tracing back wires to find the source of the trouble, not to mention having had to remove the dash five times, and having to travel to Saltspring Island to buy a replacement gas gauge from another Barracuda enthusiast. Since you can no longer buy some of the parts for this car, locating needed replacement parts promises to be an ongoing challenge.
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Although I have had to struggle through many aggravating situations while restoring my car, the opportunity to not only gain mechanical knowledge, but more importantly, to develop personally, has made the experience more than worth while. Learning to persist in spite of physical pain and emotional frustration are vital character traits when it comes to surviving in the real world.
Please note that this sample paper on persistance is the key is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on persistance is the key, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on persistance is the key will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.
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