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My report was done on Anthrax, and the effects it has on people and the
vaccines they have made for it. Anthrax is a disease you could have and not even
Cheap custom writing service can write essays on anthrax
know. Anthrax is defined as a “contagious disease of warm-blooded animals,
including humans, caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis.” There are
threedifferent ways people can get anthrax. Here are some of them.
The first is cutaneous anthrax. Cutaneous anthrax is a disease that can occur
when bacteria enters a break in the skin. Cutaneous anthrax, is probably one of
the most commonly naturally occurring types of anthrax people can get, it comes
from handling contaminated animal products, such as meat, wool, or hides. It
begins as a small bump and progresses to a larger blister in 1- days, followed by
a black scab called an eschar. About 5% to 0% of untreated cases can result in
death, but death is rare if given antibiotic therapy.
The second is gastrointestinal anthax. Gastrointestinal is an anthrax disease
that can occur when eating raw or undercooked contaminated meat. It is a very
rare disease and effects the stomach. Initial signs of this disease are nausea, loss of
appetite, vomiting, and fever it is followed by severe abdominal pain, vomiting
blood, and severe diarrhea. The death results for this disease is 5%-60%
The last type of anthrax is Inhalational anthrax, which is the type that is
used in biological weapons, and perhaps the most deadly type of disease.
Inhalational anthrax can occur when inhaling as few as 5000-6000 anthrax spores,
perhaps in a single deep breath. Initial symptoms may develop in 1-6 days, and
resemble the common cold or flu sore throat, mild fever, muscle aches, and
tiredness. Mild symptoms can progress very rapidly after a few days to severe
breathing problems and shock. If left untreated, death rate
exceeds %. Even when treated aggressively in a state-of-art hospital center,
once severe symptoms develop, 45% to 80% of patients could die.
U.S.Intelligence agencies say that anthrax is a top choice for use as a
biological warfare agent. Anthrax spores are relatively easy to produce, remain
dangerous for decades, and can be spread in the air easily. Because of its
deadliness, inhalational anthrax is the type of anthrax potential enemies have the
capability to use against our troops, according to U.S. intelligence sources. One of
the best defenses against inhaling the deadly spores is a properly worn
gas mask or theory suggests that immunization may be the only chance of
surviving an attack. Anthrax is so easy to spread, the anthrax bacteria produces
spores that can be processed to become easily airborne. Mail-sorting machinery
can easily aerosolize anthrax in envelopes sent through regular methods through
the US Postal Service. Anthrax spores can also be spread in the air by missiles,
rockets, artillery, aerial bombs and sprayers. Anthrax can also travel downwind for
hundreds of miles. Anthrax is so deadly during WW II the British experimented
with anthrax on Gruinard Island and 40 years later, the island was still
uninhabitable and had to be decontaminated.
This might be a deadly disease but it is also stoppable. There is a anthrax
vaccine. This vaccine used to protect people from anthrax. The immunization is
administered in a series of six shots over an eighteen month period, with annual
boosters. It contains no living organisms and the vaccine has been out for a while.
It was made over 40 years ago and has been routinely used in the U.S. since 170
when the Food and Drug Administration licensed it. Like any other vaccine the
shot does have a few side effects. People have reported redness, swelling, pain,
burning, itching, and similar temporary symptoms at the injection site after
anthrax vaccination. Redness up to an inch wide occurs in 0% of men and 60% of
women. A temporary gender difference like this is also found with influenza and
other types of vaccines. About 1% of people vaccinated with anthrax vaccine
report redness or other reactions at the injection site larger than 5 across � about
the same for both genders. These reactions typically resolve on their own in a few
Another side effect from the anthrax vaccine are lumps. Anthrax vaccine
often causes a lump under the skin where the vaccine is injected. These lumps
can last a couple of weeks to a couple of months, but they go away on
their own. DoD is working with CDC to study a method of injection that causes
fewer reactions. Preliminary evidence from Fort Detrick’s U.S. Army Medical
Institute of Infectious Diseases says this new method of injection may cause fewer
On May 18,18, Secretary of Defense William Cohen approved a plan to
vaccinate approved a plan to vaccinate all U.S. service members for
anthrax. Many service members refused the vaccination and have either separated
or faced formal punishment for their decisions. They refused because the original
Bioport plant had to be demolished due to quality control problems. So a new
plant was built, but it also failed FDA inspections in December of 1. So the
process of administering the vaccination to all service members has been
suspended. The vaccination now a days is currently administered only to
personals deploying to high threat areas of the world.
Well that’s all I have and I think the service members should take the
vaccine if they want to take it, they shouldn’t force them to take it if they don’t
want to, it should be on them if they want it.
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