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whoa this new weblog style is weird...newaiz
yo how awesome is fresh direct????? i love fresh direct mang
if u dunno, my apt is on the top floor, 5th floor, which means 4 flights of stairs..ive lived there for a month now, im still not used to the stairs. its killer..so no way will i be able to carry groceries up those stairs unless its like one dinky bag. so i ordered mad food from fresh direct. i felt so bad for the guy bringing it up the stairs cuz he brought huge boxes all at once....ima make bourbon-glazed salmon wid corn n peas, and then curry, then kimchi jjigae asap b4 the kimchi gets funky...i also have galbi that i should eat soon that mah momma marinated for meeh mang(u like that alliteration there? jk)...but im feenin kim chi jjigae wid dubu and ggong chi...man when meeh n my bro were little, we musta sounded RETARDED to other korean parents or watever. cuz our names for korean food was jus weird...we didnt kno wat sullung tang was cuz we called it white gook...we didnt kno boggeum bap cuz we called it fried egg bab bee bee...bee bee was our version of bee byuh...our korean sucked ass...a cold was gang gi instead of gam gi...where was uh jee not uh dee...my korean still aint all that but at least i dun go to gameeok saying white gook hana joo seh yo
o yea i jus was reminded of this fnuny story when meeh n my bro were little. my mom had made miyuk gook for us. a big pot of it. she fed us lunch and then she went to go grocery shopping and told us to eat it if we were hungry. u kno korean parents dont care how old u r, they never hire baby-sitters...newaiz so we got hungry again and heated it up and started to play nintendo and totally forgot about it. it was on the stove for i dunno how long. we probably ptu it on the highest heat too and didnt think to think it might get burned. so we started smellin somethin funky and looked at each other wid open mouths...THE MIYUK GOOK!!!!! so we ran to the kitchen and lifted the lid and all this smoke and nasty odor came out. burnt seaweed and gogi smells. there was like no gook mul left. we felt so bad that my mom had cooked it for us and all we did was eat a little and the rest burned. so i decided that instead of possibly getting into trouble or making her feel sad that it got burned, i told myb rother to pretend we jus simply ate the whole entire pot. we took the pot of burned crap and ran outside to where one of the rainwater drain sewer things were and poured it in there. its all chunky and we were jus like EWWWWW.... hehe. damn we musta been cute. newaiz then we went inside and washed and scrubbed the pot of every last burnt crisp stuck at the bottom wid those brillo things. my mom came home and we had to act like we were full when we were actually hungry and we said we ate it all wid a big smiel on our face. and she was jus like ommoooooo, geu rae? and were jus like EUNG!!!
Do my essay on MY life CHEAP !
HAHA. newaiz~~
1046 AM - 6 eprops - 1 comments - email it
Tuesday, October 07, 00
i bought glasses yesterday. i get to pick em up tomorrow. without the discount they were over 450 bucks. i never paid so much for glasses before. im prob not even gonna wear them. tho i should since i think my eyeball is all fucked up from keeping in my contacts for months at a time widout taking them out. when i took em out yesterday before the eye exam, my eyes felt mad weird. it changes the shape of ur eye if u leave contacts in too long. and thatll make ur vision continually get worse. u guys see the friends episode where rachel has to go thru that glaucoma test? well, yesterday i was rachel. i did not want to feel no poof of air being blown into my eye. i got it done before. it doesnt hurt but it feels iggy plus the fact that u kno somethin is gonna be hittin ur eye, even tho its jus a wussy stream of air. its def a shock. mad pressure behind the air so when it hits ur eye it makes u tear.
meeh can u pls countdown from ?
dr ok..., ..
meeh NO NO WAIT IM NOT READY...sorry...
dr its ok dont worry. lets try again
meeh ok, hold on gimme am inute...exhaling ok...go...
dr ok..., ..
meeh im sorry. i cant. do we have to do this? i got it done b4. i dont have glaucoma!!!!!
dr its the law. im sorry.
meeh fine...conut down slower then ok?
dr ok, POOF
meeh o man, u tricked meeh!!!
haha. atleast she finally did it..i got ultrathin but she said itll still be kinda thick. she said if i DIDNT get ultra thin, the lenses would be an inch thick!!!! HAHAHAH~~!!!!!!!!!!! dang...then id reallie have the jack-in-the-box-pop-out-eyes where it looks like ur glasses are magnifying glasses and ur eyes are huge..so if u see meeh in glasses, do not make fun of meeh or i will have to beat and pummel ur ass to a bloody pulp and throw salt at u.
thank you.
15 PM - 8 eprops - 0 comments - email it
Monday, October 06, 00
dang, xanga is even taking over in my dreams. ceciyh7, elatedbliss, phatboy11 & gomifune were in my dream. wat the!!! i dreamt we were at some club. gomifune wasnt actually IN the dream. i was jus looking for him and asking the other ppl where he was. wheres walking anime! jk i jus asked where brian was. elatedbliss was kickboxing cuz she was so bored. no one was dancing. ceci was dancing a little wid meeh. phatboy was jus sittin down. then we all bounced cuz it was wack. weird right. newaiz. haha.
funny joke myong 58 sent meeh
A blonde calls her boyfriend and says, Please come over here and help me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle, and I cant figure out how to get it started.
Her boyfriend asks, What is it supposed to be when its finished?
The blonde says, According to the picture on the box, its a tiger.
Her boyfriend decides to go over and help with the puzzle. She lets him in and shows him where she has the puzzle spread all over the table. He studies the pieces for a moment, then looks at the box, then turns to her and says, First of all, no matter what we do, were not going to be able to assemble these pieces into anything resembling a tiger.
He takes her hand and says, Second, I want you to relax. Lets have a nice cup of tea, and then..... he sighed, ...lets put all these Frosted Flakes back in the box.
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