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The Crucible Essay
1 innocent people hanged, stoned to death; executed. Hysteria infected Salem, Massachusetts’ 16 society and spread like rapid fire. The wild screams and accusations from “God’s children” in Salem were the beginnings of a time never to be forgotten in history, a perfect example of human nature at its worst. As Arthur Miller writes about these events in The Crucible, the reader cannot help but wonder if it all could have been easily avoided. The play’s accounts of the Salem Witch Trials show people’s natural reluctance to sacrifice their good reputations.
“Excellency, we have proof for your eyes; God forbid you shut them to it.”(p.864) Francis Nurse says this to Judge Danforth as he presents his evidence. Judge Danforth was an upright Puritan with a flawless reputation and thirty-two years at the bar. Francis Nurse, John Proctor, Mary Warren, and others give him proof of Abigail and Putnam’s motives with a deposition and witnesses. Although he was presented with more than enough evidence to show the girls were lying, he turned the other cheek because it was very possible that his reputation as a judge would be ruined. With all the people Judge Danforth had condemned, there was obviously no turning back for him and he chose his reputation over the lives of 1 innocent people. “To God every soul is precious and His vengeance is terrible on them that take life without cause.”(p.87 Danforth)
Cheap University Papers on analysis on annabel lee
An example of a man who waited until desperate measures before actually sacrificing his reputation was John Proctor. He knew all along that Abigail was lying to the court in an effort to kill his wife and hopefully win him over. His affair with that crazy girl was, hands down, the mistake of his life. Or perhaps the bigger of the mistakes was not confessing his affair until the day before Elizabeth, his wife, was to hang. “I have made a bell of my honor! I have rung the doom of my good name�.” Well, John Proctor, you were a little late.
Reverend Parris also had an idea of the mischievous lies of Abigail and the girls from the beginning and failed to confess it. “Abigail leads the girls to the woods, Your Honor, and they have danced there naked� Mr. Parris discovered them himself in the dead of the night!”(Proctor p.871) It was true that Parris had discovered the girls naked and dancing in the woods. But, his fear of what people would say or think kept him from giving this information during the witch trials. It would mean his children, the Reverend’s children, were involving with the Devil and his name would be blackened through the town.
It wasn’t just the people withholding information that were reluctant to sacrifice their reputations, but the innocently accused were as well. Sometimes not giving up your dignity and reputation seems the more righteous thing to do. This was the case with people such as Elizabeth and John Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, Goody Osburn and several others. These people were more willing to hang before the whole town rather than to give up their names and falsely confess to witchcraft. “It is a lie; how may I damn myself? I cannot, I cannot.” (Rebecca Nurse p.885)
Arthur Miller portrays all of mankind’s nature to want to keep hold of a good reputation with his characters. It’s clear that a major theme of his play, The Crucible , was that people are very likely to be reluctant to sacrifice their reputation. “Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! --How may I live without my name?” (Proctor p.886)
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