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1. Consider and discuss the PESTs (political-legal, economic, social-cultural, technological) constraints that affect your organization. Indicate any public policy that applies (example regulations, governmental statutes, court decisions). Also include any legal responsibilities, such as product liability, employment, and labor compliance.
Political legal
A.C.S is New York city’s child welfare agency. The agency is governed by New York city laws. The Mayor of N.Y appoints the commissioner, and deputy commissioners who manage the agency.
Cheap University Papers on Social work Management
With each newly elected mayor, A.C.S has experienced change in upper management. Change in upper management usually has a trickle down effect in the agency.
Legal system
Aid to families with dependant children AFDC was a federally funded and controlled. This entitlement program provided a safety net to children, families and single adults. There were no time limits to receiving assistance and few mandatory rules that people had to follow.
This program often supported families for generations, and there were few components to assist people to become self sufficient. In 16 there was sweeping welfare reform, which change the entire system. TANF or temporary aid to needy families replaced AFDC. TANF placed five year cap on entitlements and stressed getting people job training and eventual employment. There was also increased focus on the need for people to get drug counseling and treatment when necessary.
The pit falls of TANF are many, however A.C.S employees have seen an increased in child neglect and abuse cases, where families have lost their benefits or have failed to live up to the strict rules imposed by TANF. At times children are placed at a disadvantage because their families are unemployed and have their public assistance cases closed.
A.C.S has also been forced to reshape its policy with regard to domestic violence cases. Traditionally A.C.S viewed domestic violence in the home as the fault of both parents. This mindset often resulted in many children being separated from their parents who were in fact victims of their spouses. It would be an understatement, to say that A.C.S policy was to blame the victim.
Recently the Tannebaum lawsuit was filed against A.C.S with regard to its policy of removing children from victims of domestic violence and indicating cases against victims of domestic violence. This law suits in still being fought, but it has resulted in A.C.S attempting to see victims of domestic violence as victims. A.C.S is being forced to provide support services for these unfortunate victims and their children in an effort to preserve the family.
Countless mandatory trainings, and workshops are being held for the entire staff as a means of obeying the court’s mandates. This change is being adopted with some resistance because its is not A.C.S’ belief that domestic violence victims should be allowed to remain in a supportive setting with their children.
Economic dimension
A.C.S primary clients, are low and middle income. These families are usually located in low income inner city areas, with high levels of reported child abuse and neglect.
It is often, said that high employment rates lead to increased domestic violence. This statement appears to have some truth to it, because a high percentage of child abuse and neglect cases involve domestic violence.
Social cultural
A.C.S routinely makes referrals to private social service agencies for them to provide clients with services, such as domestic violence counseling, safe houses, drug treatment, gender support groups.
Technological dimensions
Specialized treatment
A.C.S routinely refers client to specialized programs, such as methadone maintenance programs and mother child long term drug treatment residences. These services are usually provided by contract agencies. Clients pay for the services with Medicaid or are charged based on their income.
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