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Chapter 1
In the first chapter the main character, Holden Caulfield, is introduced. Holden feels that it is not necessary to tell his whole life story, so he talks about his brother. His brother D. B. is a famous Hollywood writer. After he talks about his brother he begins his life story from the time he was at Pencey Prep, a school in Pennsylvania. Holden is kicked out of Pencey Prep because he failed four of his subjects. The only subject he passed was English. From reading half of the first chapter, Holden comes off to me as a very irresponsible teen. For example, at Pencey he is the manager of the school’s fencing team, on their trip to New York he loses the teams equipment. Another bad thing about Holden is that he is a very heavy smoker. At the end of this chapter he visits his history teacher Mr. Spencer, who he calls Old Spencer, to say good-bye.
Old Spencer is trying to give Holden some advice. It seems to me that Holden and Old Spencer are close by the way they talk. Old Spencer failed Holden, he even reads him the essay Holden wrote which was pretty lame. Holden soon gets tired of listening to Old Spencer, tells him good-bye and goes back to his dorm room.
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In this chapter Ackley is introduced, he is a student at Pencey who’s dorm room is next to Holdens. He seems like one of those aggravating people you always get stuck with in your classes that doesn’t have many friends. Like One of those people who ask stupid questions all of the time. He’s also a very rude person and always walks in Holdens room whenever he wants. Their rooms are connected by a shower, so its easier for Ackley to come in whenever he wants. Another character who is introduced in Holden’s roommate, Stradlater. I don’t think Ackley and Stradlater get along. Ackley is always asking questions about him, I think he might be a little jealous.
Chapter 4
Holden seems to look up to Stradlater. Stradlater even asks Holden to do his homewook for him because he has a date. Holden then finds out that the girl Stradlater is going on a date with is one of his old friends. The girls name is Jane, and Holden remembers a lot about her. I thought it was funny how Stradlater calls Jane, “Jean”. I think that he is a little bothered about Stradlater going on a date with Jane.
Chapter 5
Holden talks about how every Saturday night they have a steak dinner. But he thinks that it is only to impress the parents that visit there on Sundays. When they ask what their boy had for dinner last night, they would say steak. Holden does not seem to have a very good social life. Instead of going to the movies with girls, he goes with two other guys. They get back to their dorm and Holden works on Stradlaters assignment. It seems to me like Holden would do anything Stradlater wants him to do.
Holdens brother Allie is introduced in this chapter. The assignment he writes for Stradlater is about his brothers baseball glove that he used to write poems on. His brother Allie died of Leukemia. From what Holden says, Allie was the opposite of him. Allie was intelligent and very innocent.
Chapter 6
Stradlater reads the composition that Holden wrote for him and is very mad because it has nothing to do with what he told him to write about. Holden tears it up and throws it away. Then he starts smoking in the room just to annoy him. They get in a fight because Stradlater refuses to tell Holden about his date. Holden goes to Ackleys room with his face bleeding because Stradlater punched him in the nose.
Chapter 7
Holden spends the night in Ackleys dorm but can’t seem to get to sleep thinking about Jane and Stradlater. I think that Holden has some feelings for Jane and is jealous. Holden and Ackley become annoyed with each other because of Holdens conversation. Holden decides to leave for New York that night, he packs and cries.
Chapter 8
Holden meets Trenton, an older woman that sits next to him on his train ride back to New York. He finds out that she is one of his classmates’ mom. He tells his mother lies about him saying many good things about him. He also lies about his name, the funny thing is is that he gives her the janitor’s name. Another funny thing that he says is that he’s going back to New York for a brain tumor operation.
Holden calls a cab and tries to make conversation with the driver because he doesn’t have anyone to call and talk to. He goes to a hotel and sees very strange things like a man dressed as a woman, and a man and a woman spitting in each others face. I thought this was very strange. He calls a girl named Faith Cavendish and tries to get her to go on a date with him but she refuses. He hangs up because she asked him to meet him tomorrow and he cant wait.
Chapter 10
In this chapter he talks about his sister Phoebe. He wants to call her because he needs someone to talk to but he doesn’t. He goes to the Lavender Room, a night club in the hotel, and tries to order alcohol even though he is under age. The waiter refuses. He is made fun of by three women that he tries to dance with. They know that he is young and do not like that he is trying to act older. He even paid for their drinks.
Chapter 11
Now I know that Holden really does like Jane because he thinks about her all of the time. He also mentions how she was the only girl that he showed Allies baseball glove to. It must have been very important. He also talked about how he comforted her sometimes and how they always use to hold hands. He cant get to sleep so he gets on a cab.
Chapter 1
He decides to take a cab to a nightclub. While he sits he listens to people around him and gets really bored. Then meets a girl that his brother D. B. use to date. Holden thinks that she is really aggravating. He ends up only leaving the nightclub to get away from her.
Chapter 1
He walks back to the hotel which is forty-one blocks far. I think Holden is a very weird kid now. He thinks about who could have stolen his gloves. I was surprised he wasn’t thinking about Jane. When he takes the elevator the person that is the elevator operator asks him if he wants a prostitute for only five dollars. Holden accepts, I was not surprised at all. The prostitutes name was Sunny, a good name for a prostitute I thought to myself when I read it. They do not have sex because he is too nervous. He pays her the five dollars and wants her to leave, but she says its not five but ten dollars. She leaves mad.
Chapter 14
Holden likes to think about the past a lot and smoke. He finally goes to bed. He is woken up by the elevator operator, Maurice, to get and extra five dollars from him. Sunny manages to take the money from his wallet when Maurice pins him on the wall. He also does very mean things to him, he punches him in the stomach and leaves him on the floor. Holden just goes to sleep.
Chapter 15
He finally makes a date with Sally Hayes for that afternoon. He meets two nuns while eating breakfast at a sandwich bar. The nuns are moving to Manhattan to teach at a school. This makes Holden think about preppy schools. I think Holden meets many different kinds of people. He also talks to people about weird things that come out of nowhere. He also gave them ten dollars as a donation. He regrets it after though, because now he might not have enough to pay for the date with Sally.
Chapter 16
I think that Holden is a very kind person and is always thinking about his family. He buys his sister a record. He says that his little sister Phoebe is the only person who understands him even though she is very young. Later he calls Jane but hangs up when her mother answers. He looks for Phoebe in the park, but doesn’t find her. He meets a girl that knows Phoebe. But she doesn’t really know where Phoebe is.
Chapter 17
Holden meets Sally at a hotel. He thinks that she looks very attractive and doesn’t care that she’s late. Sally flirts with another boy at the theater and Holden gets very mad. He takes Sally ice skating at Radio City after the play is over. They sit down to take a break, Holden starts talking like crazy and says they should run away together. She thinks he is stupid, this annoys him. Holden calls Sally a pain in the ass, I thought this was very rude and a guy should not treat a girl in this way. Sally cries and Holden tries to apologize but she is too mad. Holden leaves without her which is the worst thing he could do.
Chapter 18
Holden finds himself thinking about Jane again. He really wants to call her, I don’t understand why he doesn’t just call her. He thinks about the time he saw her at a dance with another boy. After a lot of thinking he calls her, but there is to answer. He calls an old friend and they make plans to go out and drink later in the night. Holden goes back to Radio City because he has nothing else to do. I think Holden is a very boring person who thinks everything is boring. After the movie he meets his friend.
Chapter 1
Holden likes to think about people a lot. He now starts thinking about Luce when he gets to the Wicker Bar. Luce is older than he is, and Holden describes him as a very amusing person, the opposite of Holden himself. Luce use to always talk about sex to younger kids. When Holden sees him he starts asking him a lot of questions about sex. But Luce doesn’t feel like talking about that. Luce gets very aggravated by Holden and he leaves him.
Chapter 0
Holden gets very drunk at the bar by himself, he calls Sally even though it is very late. I think Holden is very stupid for doing this after everything that happened with Sally. He then tries to talk to the singer, Valencia, he also tries to make a date with her but it does not work out. Then he tried to make a date with the hat-check girl, but that doesn’t work either. At this point I am thinking that Holden is a very big loser. Holden is very mad, as he walks to Central Park he drops and breaks his little sister record. He starts thinking about his funeral because he thinks he will get pneumonia for wetting his hair. Holden is very odd person. He then starts thinking about his brother Allies funeral, I can tell he misses him very much.
Holden doesn’t have that much money left. He really wants to talk to his little sister Phoebe, so he decides to walk home. I think this is very sweet of him and he shows he cares a lot about his little sister.
Chapter 1
Holden gets to the apartment where he lives. The first thing he does is he looks for Phoebe. He finds her sleeping in D. B.’s room. While he looks through her school book Phoebe wakes up and is very happy to see him. She talks to him about everything without stopping. She doesn’t want to hear the reason for him being home so early. She covers her head with a pillow and Holden leaves to get some cigarettes.
Holden goes back to her room and she listens to his story, he explains everything to her. She tells him that he hates everything. Holden, like always, starts dazing off thinking about other things. But he tells her that he likes Allie. Phoebe asks him what he wants to do with his life, I think she is very mature for being a lot younger than him. Holden starts imagining again, and he decides that he wants to stand at the edge of a cliff and catch children when they are close to falling off. He says he wants to be “the catcher in the rye”. Holden got this from a boy who was singing lyrics. Phoebe corrects him and tells him that he heard wrong. The real lyrics are, “If a body meet a body coming through the rye.”
Holden calls an old English teacher and tells him that he has been kicked out of another school. Mr. Antolini, the teacher, asks him to stay at his house over night. Holden and Phoebe are dancing when they hear their parents get home from their party. Holden hides while his mother tucks Phoebe in. He plans to move out west alone, and Phoebe loans him her Christmas money she had been saving. He leaves Phoebe his red hunting hat.
Chapter 4
Mr. Antolini had been drinking and Holden could tell. Him and his wife were just cleaning from a dinner party. They talk about Holden and school, Holden mostly talks about how he hates the rules. Holden get a little angry and Mrs. Antolini brings coffee breaking the tension. But Mr. Antolini continues the discussion, he shows that he cares and how much he is worried about him. He suggests to him that he should pay more attention to school. They end their discussion about school, talk a little about girls and then go to sleep. Holden wakes up suddenly to Mr. Antolini stroking his head. Holden believes that Mr. Antolini is homosexual so he leaves his apartment.
Chapter 5
Holden spends that night sleeping on a bench in Grand Central Station, I feel very sorry for him. The next day he walks up and down Fifth Avenue talking to his dead brother Allie asking him for help to make it to the other side every time he crossed a street. He decides to leave New York, but before he does he writes Phoebe a note telling her to go to the Museum of Art and meet him there. So he could return the money to her. While waiting for her he passes out. He is not feeling good and is worried that he might pass out again. Phoebe brings a suitcase and begs him to take her with him. She gets very mad and returns his hat, Holden would not leave until she went back to school. I don’t understand why Holden is leaving. He then decides to take her to the zoo. Phoebe, still angry, follows behind. They stop at a park and Phoebe rides the carousel. They are happy now and Holden feels like he could cry. This is my favorite part of the book, I think it is very sad.
Chapter 6
Holden did not want to talk about what happened after they went to the park. He only says that he went back home and got very sick. Then he was sent to a rest home where he is now. He is going to go to a new school and his goal is to apply himself.
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