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The Glass Menagerie
In the play, The Glass Menagerie, the author, Tennessee Williams states that Amanda is a little woman of great but confused vitality, clinging frantically to another time and place. She is portrayed as the character in the book that really sets the play in motion, so it is fair to say she should be perceived as the main character. It is hard to say what is most memorable about Amanda, whether it being her belief in the success of her children, or her strong affection towards the past. One thing is for sure, and although she comes off as foolish, Amanda is a dynamic character in the notion that she completely transforms throughout the play.
At the start of the play, Amanda is ironically resentful about her past. As much as she regrets what went on with her husband, she talks about it often. On page 5, Amanda states, “Oh, I can see the handwriting on the wall as plain as I see the nose in front of my face! It’s terrifying! More and more you remind me of your father! He was out all hours without explanation!�Then left! Goodbye!” It is obvious here that Amanda tries to act as if she is undaunted by her husbands absence. However, in reality, it is tearing her apart inside. Throughout the play it becomes more evident that Amanda is forgetting her past and moving on. There is a clear transition from the past and how Amanda focuses more on the future when she says to Tom, “Don’t think about us, a mother deserted, an unmarried sister who’s crippled and has no job!” It is at this moment the audience recognizes Amanda’s growth. Contrary to living through her past, she finally accepts it as part of her life, and moves on.
As a mother, Amanda is blindsided by the belief that her children are bound to succeed in life. She will not accept the fact that society looks upon her daughter Laura as “crippled” and she fails to believe that her son upholds a dead-end job. Amanda is bewildered by the realization that her daughter has not been attending classes and in amazement she utters, “Fifty dollars’ tuition, all of our plans- my hopes and ambitions for you- just gone up the spout, just gone up the spout like that.” It is palpable through this quote that Laura has not planned the future for herself, instead, her mother has. Tom, Amanda’s son, has a different standpoint on the world. Instead of having his mother control his life, Tom makes every endeavor to escape his family and break free from the realms of his mother. He rarely spends an evening at home and when he is questioned about his whereabouts his only response is he was at the movies. Eventually Amanda catches onto Tom and becomes very agitated by his behavior. On page Amanda says, “Laura says that you hate the apartment and that you go out nights to get away from it! Is that true, Tom?” Amanda’s perfect images of her children are slowly vanishing. For maybe the two are not full of the natural endowments that she once believed.
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By the conclusion of the play Amanda has emerged into a strong and loving woman who shows “dignity and tragic beauty.” She no longer lives her life through the past but instead focuses her attention on the future. Amanda’s unwitting strength helps to hold her family together and after all failed attempts, she once and for all accepts her life for what it is and her children for who they are.
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