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Investigation to see the rate of oxygen produced by the enzyme catalase when combined with H0.
Aims To investigate how the reaction between the enzyme catalase and H0 is effected by the concentration of catalase.
Catalysts accelerate chemical reactions that otherwise proceed slowly. The enzyme called
catalase is a catalyst. It exists in plant and animal cells and breaks down hydrogen peroxide,
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HO, which is a byproduct of metabolism. Hydrogen peroxide is toxic if it accumulates in a
The chemical reaction accelerated by catalase is written
HO HO + O (gas)
The products of the above reaction are oxygen gas and water, two non-poisonous molecules. In living cells, the oxygen can be used for cellular respiration and the water can be excreted
Test Tube
Measuring cylinder
H0 (0 vol)
Potato cutting surface
Access to distilled water
Your apparatus must be set out thusly
Under favorable conditions, the reaction occurs very fast. The maximum catalytic rate for one
catalase molecule is 6 million molecules of hydrogen peroxide converted to water and oxygen
per minute. The reaction product is 6 million molecules of water and million molecules of
The concentration of HO
The concentration of catalase
If the solution is heated
If the solution is cooled
Control of variables
It is important that only the concentration of the enzyme catalase changes. All other variables must be kept the same (controlled variables) since if they are changed it will effect the reaction rate.
Brief outline of how enzymes work
An enzyme is a protein molecule that speeds up chemical reactions. Each enzyme has a unique shape that determines its function. One enzyme works on one type of substrate.
The enzyme, Amylase has a shape that allows its to wrap around starch(substrate) and cut it up into individual glucose units.
If i change the concentration of HO i predict that more oxygen will be produced at a faster rate i say this because there will be more HO for the enzyme to react with than if the concentration were less. If i increase the concentration of the enzyme i predict that more oxygen will be produced and at a faster rate this is because there will be more catalase to breakdown the HO into O. If heated the reaction should occur faster because as most people know heat produces energy and energy will make the particles move faster thus the HO will come into contact with the enzyme more regulary and more oxygen will be produced. Most enzymes if cooled stop working at all.
1. Put all coats and bags out of the way, tie back long hair and tuck in ties. Put on your goggles.
. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram above.
. Measure out 0ml of H0 and put it in the test tube.
4. To the HO add 5cm of potato, put the bung on and start the stop watch.
5. Every minutes record the amount of oxygen in the cylinder in cm.
6. Repeat steps to 6 but use different amounts of potato ( 1 to 5cm pieces of potato)
7. Repeat the whole experiment so that an average can be taken of the results.
Table of results
Time (minutes) Amount of Oxygen Potato
minutes cm 5cm
4 minutes 6cm 5cm
6 minutes 10cm 5cm
8 minutes 1cm 5cm
10 minutes 16cm 5cm
minutes cm 4cm
4 minutes 5cm 4cm
6 minutes 8cm 4cm
8 minutes 11cm 4cm
10 minutes 1cm 4cm
minutes 1cm cm
4 minutes cm cm
6 minutes 4cm cm
8 minutes 5cm cm
10 minutes 8cm cm
minutes 0.5cm cm
4 minutes 0.75cm cm
6 minutes 1cm cm
8 minutes cm cm
10 minutes 4cm cm
minutes 0.1cm 1cm
4 minutes 0.5cm 1cm
6 minutes 0.75cm 1cm
8 minutes 1.5cm 1cm
10 minutes cm 1cm
From these results it is clear that the amount of catalase does effect the amount of oxygen produced.
Graphing the reaction
Catalase, like most enzymes, is sensitive to the conditions in which it operates. The main factors
that influence enzyme-catalyzed reactions are temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, and
substrate concentration. In this activity, we simulate how the enzyme catalase, when increased, effects the amount of oxygen produced. The changes are shown in the graphs.
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