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Every country has its own hat styles. In the United States the baseball cap is used by both men and women, in England the London bobbys helmet is used by the police, in Greece the fishermans hat used by everyone and France the beret and many more. The non la, or conical peasant hat, in Viet Nam serves as a national symbol and is used by everyone, especially the women. Non la translates “leaf hat” in English, in which it is made out of leaves. The non la is also very light and thin. The leaves are taken from the softest trees and put in the dew one night to be dried, and still soft enough to be flattened. The hat usually consisting of 16 to 18 rims made from a special kind of bamboo. These rims are shaped thinly into a conical-form. The leaves are sewn into all rims solely by hand. Finally, the hat is trimmed and painted with a coat of attar old to keep it clean, smooth, and water-proof. No one knows when the first non la came into fashion in Viet Nam, but doubtless it dates back to the earliest civilizations thousands of years ago. (Source VietShare.com. Home page. 00. October 7, 00. .) Back in the past, it was probably used in the rice fields. Today, it is used everywhere in the Vietnamese community, from the rice fields to the plays in a theater. You will also find Vietnamese women wearing a non la just walking down the street. At a market, the non la might be worn because they are doing work. People don’t wear the non la for everything, such as taking vacation or on a business trip. The hat is worn by women working in the rice fields, shopping and doing other traveling from places to places. It’s not small like a baseball cap that can be worn indoors, it is just too big. The size also makes the girls look attractive because she is mysteriously hidden, and only her shy cheeks and long hair beneath the rims of the non la are seen. The non la is very effective in shielding the sun rays because it is very big, almost twice as large as the baseball cap. It is big enough to protect the entire head and neck from sun burn, which is very important because you are to the sun for long hours at a time in places like the rice fields. And although the non la is generally worn by the women, the men would sometimes use the non la for protection for its effectiveness. I have witnessed the men using the hat in the rice fields and other places using the hat due to the scorching sun rays. Today, different regions of the country make different styles of the original hat, harder, softer, bigger or smaller. It is sold for 5,000 dong profit which is .40 cents in the US. The non la is sold everywhere in the country, especially the province of Chuong. In the town of Ha Tay, called the headgear capital of Viet Nam, they make a number of designs, including the non dau (the smallest model), the non quai thao (a flat design), the non thung quai thao (a larger version of the flat design) and the basic non la. This town is basically devoted solely on making the non la. The non la is a very important a very important symbol because it is used everywhere in the country. It is used by Vietnamese workers in the fields on a sunny day or just resting under a tree resting. It is their companions, using it as a fan or setting off in a very hot and dry day. The women wearing the non la at cultural events like in a show, shows her beauty and gentleness. It is a symbol of Viet Nam and passed on from generations to generations. If you are in another country, seeing a non la is like seeing another piece of Viet Nam.
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