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Imagine yourself pointing a gun at another person’s heart. Your finger on the trigger, ready to send a bullet straight towards your target. Imagine if the other person had a gun as well. His finger’s on the trigger ready to send his bullet straight towards your heart. You are only feet from each other, a very dangerous position to be in. If your target shoots first, instinctively your finger will pull the trigger and send your own bullet almost instantly after the first one was shot. What options are there? Shoot first and be killed, or shoot second and still be killed. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a duel of two nations. Both with fingers on the trigger. Both ready to fire. Both unready to be fired at. The Crisis of 16 was the struggle of two nations, the United States and the Soviet Union, and their self-interest in protecting and defending themselves against any external forces.
To understand the Cuban Missile Crisis, we must first examine the two nations and the conflict both was faced with. We can look at the crisis in three ways, militarily, diplomatically, and economically.
The military aspect of the Cuban Missile Crisis was essentially a security dilemma between two nations, the United States and the Soviet Union. We can look at it in a way that when states take certain actions to increase its own security, other states are more compelled to do the same in order not to feel insecure. Take for example a boy and a girl playing in the snow a few feet from each other. The girl looks over and sees the young boy making snowballs. The girl begins to feel insecure and starts to make snowballs herself just incase the young boy had the idea of starting something. What she doesn’t know is that the young boy is only making snowball in the event that the young girl is looking to start something herself. It is this security dilemma that compels both of the children to do what they do. When one person or country builds its strength up in order to protect themselves, the other consequently feels more threaten and will in turn build its own strength up to protect itself against the first. The idea of this security dilemma can be applied to the Missile Crisis. The Soviet Union wanted to increase their own security and interests with the placement of missiles in Cuba, just as the United States wanted to secure their interests overseas among allies with missiles in Turkey. It was the Soviet’s hope that the missiles in Cuba would counter the U.S. missiles posed on the Soviet borders, quoting Khrushchev, “How would (the United States) feel if there were Soviet military bases in Mexico and Canada”.
Secondly is the diplomatic aspect of the crisis, an example of which lies in the question of Germany. It was hypothesized by Kennedy that Khrushchev would use the missiles to solve the Berlin problem which was, in short, the idea of Soviet occupation in West Berlin, which at that time was capitalist. Heated talks among the great powers in regards to Berlin added to the already great animosity among the United States and the Soviet Union. It was believed that the weapons placed in Cuba might have been placed there to keep the United States from going to war over West Berlin.
Help with essay on Duel of Two Nations
Last is the economic aspect of the Cuban Missile Crisis. As new, and more communistic regime came into power in Cuba, the relationship between the United States and Cuba began to deteriorate. As United States reduced its trade with Cuba especially in sugar, the Soviets increased it by assisting Cuba through sugar purchases, aid packages, and a promise to “support the Cuban people” against forces that launch an intervention against Cuba.
All three aspects, military, diplomacy, and economics played a role in the tensions that grew between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Let us bring back the idea of the Security Dilemma. Because the Soviet Union was threatened by U.S. actions and vice-versa, both felt inclined to increase its own security to deal with the onset of the sense insecurity made by the other state. Neither the Soviet Union nor the United States really knew the intentions of the other state. While the Soviets may have said that the missiles where only defensive measures against an invasion of foreign forces, could the United States still trust them? Nor could the Soviet Union trust the U.S. in its intentions regarding Cuba and the communist leader Fidel Castro. It is because of this lack of trust among states where the Security Dilemma lies.
We live in a world of anarchy, that is to say that we live in a world with no one specific governing body that stands above all other States. And because no such body exists, we are left on our own when it comes to dealing on the international stage. States are left never fully knowing the objectives of the other side.
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