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The Bolshevik party (renamed Communist Party in 11) attempted to come to terms with the reality of power over a period of conflict during which they were forced to resort to authoritarian measures. This repression that characterized the imposing of Bolshevik control over Russia later became known as the terror. Every Bolshevik activist suffered at the hands of the cheka (secret police) and no opposition within the Red Army was tolerated, with execution being imposed for desertion or disloyalty.
As with government and administration, the Communist Party had to learn the skills of economic management. Few historians accept the view that the revolutionary government embarked on a measured transformation of the old Russian economy into a planned socialist system, instead, Lenin’s policies are seen as an attempt to adjust to the harsh realities of the economic situation.
The new regime did not possess the power for an immediate transition from a bourgeois to a proletarian economy, so the Bolshevik government proposed to use the existing economic structures until the transition could be attained - this transition stage being referred to as state capitalism. After Lenin abruptly abandoned state capitalism, a series of harshly restrictive economic measures were introduced which were collectively known as war communism. The change in economic strategy is seen by many historians as part of the terror that the Bolsheviks operated in these years as every aspect of life, social, political and economic had to be subordinated to the task of winning the civil war. Under war communism, the Decree on Nationalisation brought practically all the major industrial enterprises in Russia under central government control and tightened the Bolshevik grip on industry. The other chief purpose of war communism was to force the peasants to provide more food, however, by 11, due to requisitioning, drought and the disruption of war, a national famine was caused. The Bolsheviks responded to this by establishing the New Economic Policy which, by 14, had produced an economic balance � industry had largely recovered and an abundant harvest guaranteed the maintenance of food supplies.
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